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它具有一种难以形容的神韵。It has an indescribable romantic charm.

有信心上帝将创造美妙的神韵。Have faith God will create the perfect cadence.

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中国人物画的突出特点的神韵。Chinese figure painting prominently features verve.

湖滨浴场尽显海滨神韵。The lakeside beach has the essence of seaside beaches.

宝蓝色衫身绿边相衬,表露出男士时装的神韵。Jewelry blue with green border shows men's fashion verve.

后来,俱乐部的成员都观看了神韵。Later, all those members went to watch the Shen Yun show.

这些精美的漆器体现了楚文化的神韵。They reflect the charm of the culture of the Chu Kingdom.

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文佛山茶道馆是景区最有神韵的一景。Wenfu Teahouse is one of the most enthralling attractions.

倒影能使画面增添一种宁和安静的神韵。Added to the screen rather make a reflection and quiet charm.

所有付费点击搜索引擎具有独特神韵招标。All pay-per-click search engines possess unique bidding nuances.

所以神韵诗中的"神韵"是馆阁心理的一种刻意掩饰。So the verve in his poems is a sedulous mask of curule psychology.

译成外文,少了中文的神韵。不过还好我最近想到了更喜欢的签名。I may not be the best story-teller, but I am the best-story teller.

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它与王士祯标举的“神韵”之美大异其趣。It is quite deferent from the idea of Shenyun held by Wang Shizhen.

让我们找一个更能捕捉原本诗句神韵的翻译!Let us find a translation that captures the original poetry better!

苏州园林以其独具的神韵诗意、高逸的文化格调,而享誉海内外。Suzhou gardens are famous for their cultural style and verve poetry.

独立性为神韵,排他性为风骨。The independence of spirit, exclusive for the strength of character.

侧重人物动态、神韵的刻画,力求意境新奇。Focus on the movement, nuances of characterization, to novel conception.

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如华丽的水上皇宫,精比例传达建筑设计的美妙神韵。As magnificent water palace JBL reveals the beauty of architecture design.

因为电子邮件中没有身体语言或者声音语调来传达你的神韵和情感。There is no body language or voice tonality to convey nuances and emotions.

该名男子应采取大米,牛奶和水的神韵期间所采取的日子。The man should take rice and milk and water be taken during the days of Pooja.