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他留下了。He stayed.

请留下评论。Please comment.

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我可以留下这本书吗?May I keep the book?

请留下用晚餐。Please stay for supper.

你可以留下5角钱。You can keep five jiao.

我只会留下一片黑雾。I'll leave a dark cloud.

这部影片没有给我留下印象。The film didn't grab me.

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难道要我留下什么吗?Did I leave anything out?

潮水在沙上留下了波洑沙纹。The tide rippled the sand.

有的人留下了吊唁卡。Some left condolence cards.

是的,我能留下我的地址。Yes, I can leave my address.

但是他们留下了小便池。But they left the urinals in.

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我不能把某人单独留下。I can't leave sb. by himself.

我希望你该留下陪客。I expect you to stay and eat.

继续进行,留下印记。Keep going. And leave tracks.

留下一层薄脂肪层。Leave a thin covering of fat.

留下吃饭的人很少。Only a few stayed for dinner.

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约翰森,请留下。请留在深圳队!Please stay in Shenzhen team.

执达吏把他独自留下。The usher had left him alone.

留下斑斑点点的痕迹。To mark or mottle with spots.