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深度,是的。Depth, yes.

它是感觉的深度。It’s depth of feeling.

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你船的深度吃水是多少?What is your deep draft?

深度是用图示的方式建立的。The water was waist-deep.

一切深度会回到你的生活。A depth returns to your lide.

打孔深度可以调节。Holing depth can be regulated.

为了探测苦海的深度。To test the deeps of suffering.

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它的深度是你我无法估量。Its depth beyond both you and I.

心得深度浅了?The depth of heart is shallowed?

妞妞目前仍处于深度昏迷状态。The girl remains in a deep coma.

刘明是我的化学老师,他是一位相貌平常、个子矮小的人,戴着一副深度眼镜。Liu Ming is my chemistry' teacher.

深度挤压胃脏。Deep compression of stomach organs.

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他们处于药物引起的深度昏迷。They're in a chemical-induced coma.

变化深度、速度和压力。Vary the depth, speed and pressure.

在这五英里深度以下会是些什么呢?What is below this five-mile depth?

背部着地滑行,以降低被埋深度。Backstroke to decrease burial depth.

太深,以至不能测定其深度。Too deep to be fathomed or measured.

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她最近的那首诗极有深度。Her latest poem has remarkable depth.

新闻媒体不会对这类事情做深度报道。Newspapers do not offer this indepth.

深度打孔通气的方法是否试过?Has deep-tine aerification been tried?