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形式主义的危险是真实的。The danger of formalism is real.

此之谓形式主义。This is what is called formalism.

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形式主义也是官僚主义。Formalism is a kind of bureaucratism.

俄国形式主义者也是这样想的。The Russian formalists do this as well.

这才是形式主义的雏形。This is really the origin of formalism.

你认为你是一个形式主义者嘛?Do you consider yourself to be a formalist?

反对形式主义,是我们党一贯坚持的。Object formalism , it is our party consistent importunate.

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形式主义和功能主义可以对话吗?。Can Formalism and Functionalism Communicate with Each Other?

这其实才是俄国形式主义者们隐含的观点。That really is implicit in the Russian formalist viewpoint.

你会发现形式主义者的论点在这里如履薄冰。There you would really think the formalists are on thin ice.

俄国形式主义者是诗学革命的发起者。The Russian Formalists were sponsors of a revolution in poetics.

形式主义批评的理论背景是什么?What is the theoretical background of the Formalistic Approaches ?

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三是坚决反对铺张浪费和形式主义。Third, we will resolutely oppose extravagance, waste and formalism.

罗杰•弗莱,二十世纪初著名的形式主义批评家。Roger Fry is a well-known formalistic critic in the early 20th century.

他痴迷于西方音乐,厌恶三岛由纪夫的形式主义。He is a devoted fan of western music and hates the formalism of Mishima.

当前作文教学摆脱不了形式主义教学的藩篱。Currently, composition teaching can't get rid of the hedge of modality teaching.

这座城市充满了生命。它彻底颠覆了德国人形式主义的形象。This city is full of life . It totally overthrows the image of formalistic German.

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这是俄国形式主义者的重要论点,他们处理的十分大胆。This is a crucial issue for the Russian formalists, which they handle very boldly.

不能够回答这个问题,那么其他任何事情都是形式主义和空谈。Anything short of answering this question will amount to formalism and lip service.

这样,所谓的财产申报制度也就未免流于形式主义。In this way, the so-called assets declaration system also too formalistic doctrine.