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我不忍看你这样。I can't bear to see you like this.

那次耶和华也应允我,不忍将你灭绝。It was not his will to destroy you.

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小不忍则乱大谋。A little spark kindles a great fire.

这本小说让我不忍释手。I could not tear myself away from the novel.

你有很多男朋友,然而我却从来不忍干涉。You have many boyfriends while I never give a fuck.

我不忍看她那布满泪痕的脸。I could not bear to look at her tear- streaked face.

他不忍杀戮我,我又安忍射他?Can I bear to shoot down the man who forbore to kill me?

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这里的投资机会实在是太好了,让人不忍错过。The investment opportunity is simply too great to pass up.

他不忍见到任何人悲伤难过,甚至也不忍听到有关悲伤难过的事。He could not bear to see anyone sorrowing or even to hear of it.

韩珊不忍心肠冲上去,将婆婆扶持下来。Pat HanShan heart flush up, will the mother-in-law support down.

鲁迅显然是不忍把朱安推到这样一个境地的。Luxun obviously would not like to push her into such a situation.

布赖恩不忍扔掉那些娃娃,就找了个鞋盒来装它们。Unable to throw them away, Brian found a shoe box to put them in.

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宙斯不忍处死她,但决定好好惩罚她。Zeus was hesitant to kill her but decided to seriously punish her.

他确信他会成功,我不忍打破他的美梦。He is certain of success, and I have not the heart to undeceive him.

大卫有机会杀害扫罗却不忍下手,你对此有何看法?What is your opinion about David who gave up the chances to kill Saul?

既然一个民族都不忍听闻,它们也就消失在朔风之中。Since a nation can not bear to hear, they will disappear in the boreas.

宙斯觉得渐愧,不忍王子一天天消瘦。Zeus shame that gradually, day by day the prince could not bear weight.

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博山熏尽鹧鸪斑,罗带同心不忍看。Boshan smoked partridge best spot, Lo could not bear to see with one mind.

洪都拉斯的杀人犯数量多到令人发指,而安哥拉的儿童死亡率最高,不忍直视。Honduras, No1 for murders and Angola, which has the highest child mortality rate.

“他们都是被日本侵略者射杀或不忍屈辱自杀”李说。"They were either shot dead by the Japanese or forced to commit suicide," Li said.