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所有这些阔佬!all those rich folks!

莎士比亚是个阔佬。Shakespeare was a fat cat.

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我不像华尔街的阔佬那样有钱。I'm not rich like Wall Streeters.

阔佬,你有女友了吗?You have a girlfriend, moneybags?

他是个阔佬,但他的每一个便士都是自己挣来的。He was a rich man and he had made every penny himself.

卜居在那些粉红色巨大宅邸里无所事事的阔佬寓公们似乎也销声匿迹了。The idle rich in the big pink houses seemed to have gone underground.

志愿兵的军官,甚至征兵的军官是见不到这类阔佬的。The volunteer officer, even the drafting officer, will not find them.

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虽然他是阔佬,但他对慈善事业不会捐献太多的钱。Although he is a jet setter , he is not likely to donate more money for the charity.

国人不仅在海外大肆摆谱比阔,而且干脆以“阔佬”自居了。Not only in our overseas than wantonly across wide, but simply to "generous" itself.

这个疯狂的动作感动了我,我自忖有时当个阔佬还是不错的。I felt like giving her every damned thing I had. That touched me, that crazy little gesture.

多数无所事事的阔佬免遭从事单调乏味工作之苦,但代价是莫名其妙的无聊。Most of the idle rich suffer unspeakable boredom as the price of their freedom from drudgery.

这些对话并不仅仅是一个正在衰落的美国试图安抚来自北京的阔佬。The talks aren't all about a weakling US trying to placate the powerful landlord from Beijing.

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这些阔佬们又与卡尔·罗夫有关系,卡尔·罗夫是布什精干的政治战略家———也就是他的诸葛亮。These rich folks were in turn linked to Karl Rove, Bush's masterful political strategist -- his very own Zhuge Liang.

呵!我恨透了这些家伙,我把他们一个个全掐死,这才心里欢畅、兴高采烈呢,这些阔佬!Oh! how I hate them, and with what joy, jubilation, enthusiasm, and satisfaction I could strangle all those rich folks!

噢,你是个阔佬呀。我今晚想带女友出去,能借我点钱吗?现在手头实在紧得很。Fh, U R A RICH MAN . Could u lend me a few bucks to take my girlfriend out tonight. I'm on a really tight budget right now.

法国的南部因海滨沙滩及适合阔佬们的胜地而出名,但是俯瞰这个地区的其他事物也会发现他们的魅力。The south of France is famous for its Riviera beaches and jet-set resorts, but that overlooks the area's many other charms.

阔佬对理想妻子的描述更文雅一些,穷人的描述则是较为通俗。The millionaire's definition of the just-right wife is more elegant, whereas the poor man's definition is a more common, everyday description.

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在美国,只有阔佬们才买原画,即使那些久经世故的老手最多也只能冲着画家的名头去买画的。In America only a few rich people buy original art, and even the more sophisticated ones rarely get past judging it by the brand name of the artist.

那是处于两次世界大战之间的英国,那儿的小村庄里社区关系紧密,生活安静,或者是城里的阔佬们在乡下的豪宅里度周末。It is England between the two World Wars, where close-knit communities live in quiet villages or rich city folk assemble for weekends at grand country houses.