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但是音乐行业变幻无常。But the music business is fickle.

但变幻无常更为美丽。but uncertainty is more beautiful still.

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最近天气变幻无常,阴晴不定。The weather has been temperamental lately.

他就象他的透气的海洋一样变幻无常?That turns and changes like his draughty seas?

这礼拜他脾气变幻无常,所以不要惹他负气。His temper's been changeable this week, so don't annoy him.

一直以来,这都是一个变幻无常的时代,正像二战的时候。Much like the World War II years, these have been uncertain times.

这样的确定是羙丽的,但变幻无常更为羙丽。Such certainty is beautiful , but uncertainty is more beautiful still.

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但谈及自己的另一半,男人们经常觉得女人的审美观变幻无常而且深不可测。WHEN it comes to partners, men often find women's taste fickle and unfathomable.

一些程序将这种限制设置得太窄,导致滚屏的行为变幻无常,令人沮丧。Some programs set this limit too close , resulting in frustratingly temperamental scroll behavior.

科学家认为,女性变幻无常的高潮可能就是为了帮助她们分辨一个男人是否适合自己而得到进化的。Scientists think the fickle female orgasm may have evolved to help women distinguish Mr. Right from Mr. Wrong.

始终记住,气候市场是变幻无常,价格变动剧烈,极难把握的市场。Always remember that weather markets are mercurial, extreme in price fluctuations, and very difficult to master.

农民们度过Bhima河前往班达普尔Pandharpur,在印度教朝圣之旅途中的他们对变幻无常的天空感到失望。A fickle monsoon sky disappoints farmers crossing the Bhima River on a Hindu pilgrimage to the city of Pandharpur.

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人类开始种植谷物是始于气候的变幻无常,即最后一个冰期的结束。The period leading up to the domestication of cereals was one of erratic climate change, as the last ice age ended.

陆地与大海狭路相逢,互不相让,形成一道道蔚为壮观的景象,这些风景随着季节的交替和早晚的更迭而变幻无常。Land and sea collide to create spectacular perspectives, which change with the seasons and within the space of a day⑦.

过去的15年,愚昧而又变幻无常的繁荣时代晃花了毕业生们的眼。For the past 15 years or so, graduates have emerged blinking into the white light of a witless and capricious boom time.

舞厅的墙壁上布满变幻无常的灯光图案,这也是灯光表演这门新艺术的开始。The walls of the ballrooms were covered with changing patterns of light, the beginning of the new art of the light show.

我们面临燃料危机、食品危机、严重的金融危机以及已经开始变幻无常的气候问题。We face a fuel crisis, a food crisis, a severe financial crisis, and a climate that has begun to change in ominous ways.

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当飓风、火灾和洪水肆虐全美时,中国的各色天气也是那么变幻无常。While tornadoes, floods, and fires have raged across the United States, in China the mix of weather is just as variable.

他的第二个错误是他为了对付他的总统主顾的变幻无常的脾气而采取的作法。His second mistake was in the manner in which he sought to cope with the erratic vacillations of his client, the president.

他们彼此深信,是瞬间迸发的热情让他们相遇这样的笃定是美丽的,但变幻无常更为美丽。They both thought that a sudden feeling had united them . This certainty is beautiful, even more beautiful than uncertainty.