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下层炮眼已淹没在水里。The lower gun-ports were now below water.

窗户是个炮眼,墙壁异乎寻常的厚。The window was an embrasure in an enormously thick wall.

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整平爆破通常用垂直炮眼进行。Levelling is usually carried out with vertical drill holes.

炮眼的制作应用了布尔运算。The gunports were made with boolean substraction operation.

一个爆破炮眼组包括掏槽眼、辅助眼、压眼和边界眼。A blast round consists of cut, relief, breast, and trim holes.

船上的炮眼开着,炮口虎视眈眈地向外窥视着。All gun-ports were open and the muzzles peeped wickedly from them.

船上的炮眼都开着,炮口虎视眈眈地向外窥视着。All gun-ports were open and the muzzles peeped wickedly from them.

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炮眼由内向外逐渐扩大,平面呈扇形。Perforation gradually expanded from the inside out, flat fan-shaped.

在射孔井中,井筒仅通过炮眼与周围地层相互作用。Wellbore is linked to formation by perforation tunnels in perforated well.

下层炮眼已淹没在水里,涌进船舱的水给’瓦萨’号带来了难以逃脱的厄运。The lower gun-ports were now below water and the inrush sealed the ship's fate.

战壕里设有十门大炮,这时正伸出土墙的炮眼发射着。In the entrenchments stood ten cannons, firing through the gaps left in the earthworks.

从卡车上直接用压缩空气将炸药装入炮眼。The explosive from the lorry is delivered to the shothole by means of a compressed air.

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在这个交互性的作品中,参观者可以进入其中,里面还配备着诸如潜望镜、炮眼这一类的观测台。This interactive work allows visitors to enter and is fitted with viewing stations such as periscopes and portholes.

文章对炮眼深度、掏槽爆破、光面爆破、定向爆破等技术问题进行了探讨。The technology problems of blasthole depth, cutting blasting, smooth wall blasting, and directional blasting is discussed.

在油田开发过程中,封窜、堵炮眼、封堵地层出水是一个不可避免的问题。During oilfield development, plugged channeling, blocking perforation and plugging formation water are inevitable problems.

介绍了一个典型工作面试验方法、炮眼布置和爆破参数的选取。The reasonable testing methods, arranging boreholes and selecting blasting parameters at a typical work face are introduced.

软化卸压带的软化系数与炮眼间距及排距呈双曲线关系。The relation between the softening factor of the destressed zone and borehole spacing and row spacing is a hyperbolic curve.

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硬岩隧道施工中炮眼利用率的大小关系着隧道的工程进度和工程成本。The degree of Shothole utilization ratio in construction of hard-rock tunnel has relation to project advance rate and cost of the tunnel.

结合一坑道施工实例,论述了小型探矿坑道确定最优炮眼深度的一般方法。Combining with a tunnel construction case, an ordinary method of ascertaining Optimum hole depths in small exploration tunnel drivage is discussed.

本文根据炸药的作功原理和炮眼封泥的作用,通过事故案例,论述炮眼封泥质量在煤矿安全生产中的重要性。The importance of it in safety production of coal mine was discussed through accident case, according to theory of blasting powder and function of stemming.