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军队已全线溃退。The army was in full retreat.

敌军全线撤退。The enemy is in full-scale retreat.

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敌军在我军攻击下全线崩溃。The enemy crumpled under our attacks.

这条铁路已全线贯通。The whole railway line has been joined up.

负责区域内全线产品的业务。Responsible for all products in your terrain.

敌人已全线崩溃。正在加载用户记忆法…The enemy was put to rout all along the line.

他的政权正在瓦解并全线崩溃。His regime is falling apart and in full retreat.

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目前全线已恢复正常通车。The current line has returned to normal traffic.

这条路1989年开始修建,1993年已全线通车。Begun in 1989, the road was fully opened in 1993.

这条铁路已全线通车。The whole railway line has been opened to traffic.

他们今天开始全线反攻。They started to countercharge on all fronts today.

他们已将敌军从全线击退。They had rolled back the enemy forces on all fronts.

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此次全线产品价格涨幅很大。This price increase is pretty much across the board.

我只喜欢这款乳液以及这个品牌的全线产品。I just love this lotion and the whole line of products.

谷歌可能也不会与某家全线厂商进行合作。Probably not in partnership with a full-line manufacturer.

KARESS全线产品均适用于此肌肤类型。All KARESS products are appropriate for use on this skin type.

世博板块交通和三网合一股票将全线爆发井喷!Expo plate and triple-play line of the stock will break out blowout!

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滇越铁路全线分南北两大段。Dian-yue railroad entire line segment north and south two big sections.

他们发起全线总攻,不给敌人以任何喘息机会。They attacked all along the line and gave the enemy no breathing spell.

2007年创新周是巴可中国首次举办的全线产品展示会。Innovation week will be the first open house event for Barco China in 2007.