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蚁穴就像我们的身体系统一样。The termites nest is a system like our bodies.

古人云,千里之堤,溃于蚁穴。The ancients cloud, qianlizhidi, ulcer in the colony.

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在非洲发现的一个白蚁穴有一幢楼那么高。Another nest found in Africa was a tall as a building.

千里之堤,溃于蚁穴。One ant hole may cause the collapse of a thousand-li dyke.

随后蚁穴成员出来将同伴的尸体清理干净并开始准备新一天的觅食行动。The ants in the nest then clear the passage to begin the day's foraging.

第二天早晨,研究人员又来到这里,蚁穴已经重新打开,可是那几个留在穴外的蚂蚁却不见了。Come morning, when the nest reopened, these ants were nowhere to be seen.

蚁穴系统是由洞穴通道和生化土体构成的复杂间断系统。The complicated ant-nest system is made up of nest-way and biochemical soil.

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科尼只需将枪藏在山洞或者蚁穴中,过了几个月或者几年又再次取回来。Kony would stash them in caves and anthills, retrieving them months or years later.

突然间这块蚁穴中曾经的废物变成了一个“待解决的问题”。All of a sudden what was once a pile of gunk on the colony floor becomes a "Problem to Be Solved."

千里之堤,溃于蚁穴,这是卑微者的威严和挑战。Thousands of miles of dikes, ulcer in the colony, which is a humble person's authority and challenges.

在一个带喷头的瓶子里兑水和白醋各半,然后喷洒在蚁穴和它的周围。Pour equal parts water and white vinegar into a spray bottle. Then spray it on anthills and around areas where you see the insects.

就像我们血管里的血液流动一样,在蚁穴里的空气也是由外界的气温和压力控制的。Rather like blood circulating in our veins, inside the termites nest it is air that is moved by external temperature and pressures.

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所以,即使那只蚂蚁试图将自己一遍又一遍的清洁干净,当它回到蚁穴的时候,他还是被夹住,搬到垃圾堆并且扔在那里。So, though it tried to clean itself over and over, the minute it returned to the colony, it was grabbed, carried and slung back on the pile.

因此,对周围教育的一个个小问题的熟视无睹和麻木不仁会象蚁穴溃堤一般最终会使教育的大厦轰然倒塌。Therefore, Turning a blind eye to the variety of detailed problems and Being insensitive to them can cause the huge building of education come to collapse eventually.

这些蚂蚁可以居住在任何地方的巢中,在野外地下深处会发现它们,由于其巨大的腹部膨胀得有如葡萄,就自然被禁锢在蚁穴中了。These ants can live anywhere in the nest, but in the wild, they are found deep underground, literally imprisoned by their huge abdomens, swollen to the size of grapes.

当信号在空气中时,每只蚂蚁都有可能会夹着这个尸体穿过蚁穴,到达一块被设计为墓地的垃圾堆,并把它扔到一座已死蚂蚁的小山上。Once the signal is in the air, any ant that happens by grabs the corpse and carries it through the colony to a refuse pile designated the graveyard and dumps it on a mound of also-dead ants.

在那里我首次发现了我起名叫灰胡子大卫的雄性黑猩猩把树枝上的叶子去掉做成工具,然后伸到白蚁穴里钓白蚁吃。From there I had first noticed an adult male, whom I named David Greybeard, pick leafy twigs and strip the leaves to fashion tools, which he then used to fish termites from their underground nests.

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这里正举办各种怪异的世界锦标赛——背老婆、坐蚁穴、扔挤奶桶、扔靴子、掷手机,参赛选手们个个跃跃欲试,争当“搞怪”冠军。They carry their wives, sit on ants, throw milking stools, boots and mobile phones, here in the home of weird world championships, participants will do just about anything to win their offbeat crowns.