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你有没有保留小票?Do you keep receipts?

这是您的小票,您请拿好。This is your receipt, please.

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给我一些小票好吗?Could you give me some small notes?

将购物小票和商品标牌保存至少两个月。Keep your store receipts and product tags for at least two months.

你不给我小票儿,我怎么知道鞋子是你的呢?。How do I know that the shoes are yours unless you give me the ticket?

在其它的一些网店,店主甚至会提供假的购物小票。In some other stores, the owners even provide fake purchase receipts.

此外,超市在出门时强行检查购物小票的行为,也是不合法的。Also, it is not legal for the supermarkets to forcibly check dockets at the exit.

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现在,是时候把那些你仍留有购物小票的东西退还给商店了。Now's, the time to return items to the store for which you still have the receipt.

人们去商店修鞋的时候,会拿到一张带着号码的小票儿。When one takes shoes to a shop to be mended, one gives a ticket with a number on it.

原创一个简单打小票POS机源代码,对于初学者会有帮助的。Original one simple assault votes POS machine source code, will be helpful for the beginner.

内理根据记有数量的理货小票检查关内数量。The warehouse keeper checks up the quantity in the slings according to the numbered tally tickets.

消费者如购买上述不合格产品可根据购物小票退货。If consumer buys afore -mentioned rejected product but according to shopping small bill returns money.

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去超市买一种最便宜的东西,数量多到打满收银机里的一卷小票。Pick a cheapest product fm Supermarket and buy enough amount of it to use up an entire roll of receipt.

这些小票在皮包,钱包,口袋中存放起来,持续地和食物以及其它物品接触。These receipts pile up in purses, wallets and shopping bags, coming into contact with food and other items.

然后,我拿回卡单并把它和收银机小票订在一起,连同信用卡一起给你。Then I take that back and staple it to the cash register receipt and give it back to you, along with your credit card.

鼓励孩子们把所有购物小票放进信封中并记录下他们用那些钱做了什么。Encourage children to place receipts from all purchases in the envelopes and keep notes on what they do with their money.

说到记账,你可以用很简单的方法,即收好每次的购物小票并每月整理一次。When it comes to tracking expenses, you can make your system as simple as collecting receipts and organizing them once a month.

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鞋子修好后,顾客们就可以返回商店,把小票儿给修鞋的人,取回鞋子,然后付款。Then, when one's shoes are ready, one goes back to the shop, gives the ticket to the shoemaker, gets one's shoes and pays for them.

但是另一方面,科学家在Target,星巴克,一些银行ATM和其它一些企业的收据小票上并没有检测出BPA。However, the scientists did not detect any BPA or only trace amounts in receipts from Target, Starbucks, some bank ATMs and other enterprises.

全球所有优衣库零售员训练有素,均被要求双手奉还顾客信用卡和小票,因为在日本这是很普遍的。All retail associates at Uniqlo stores worldwide are trained to hand your credit card and receipt back with both hands, as it is common in Japan.