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这颜色艳而不俗。This colour is bright but not garish.

任达华和吴君如都有着不俗/惊人的表现。Simon Yam and Sandra Ng both gave stunning performances!

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低端零售商销售因此表现不俗。Consequently, low-end retailers have been performing well.

但是这为谈吐不俗,前任军官出身的他如何搞上了艺术呢?But what is awell spoken, ex-army officerdoing making music?

在那一刻,我不禁暗暗佩服起理查德·克劳宁希尔德那不俗的手艺来。I couldn’t help but admire Richard Crowninshield’s workmanship.

这对候选人都有着不俗的技能和经验。Both candidates have impressive skills and practical experience.

求高手试译汉诗两首为英诗逢见相知不俗同,又谈离别许多匆。Know each other well with every see, and talk much hasty departure.

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丑闻之前,麦道夫太太表现出不俗的品味。Before the scandal, Mrs. Madoff radiated an understated sense of taste.

埃塞尔比亚、肯尼亚和乌干达等东非国家表现不俗。East-African countries such as Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda are doing well.

阿士东维拉的主场成绩不俗,战胜过车路士。Reasoning Villa have been great at home and recorded a victory over Chelsea.

两人在2010已有不俗的表现,这次是冲着名次改写和打法创新而来的。Both are already titlists in 2010 and are ever improving their ranking and play.

我确定自己会在期末考试中有不俗表现。I determined oneself can have in the terminal examinations displays not vulgarly.

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陈进承认在其他国家和地区实现不俗的销售仍有困难。The sales executive acknowledges there are hurdles to winning sales outside China.

里斯同样在青年联赛的半决赛和决赛上也有不俗表现。Rhys also hit winners in last season's Premier Academy League Semi-Final and Final.

佛罗里达州立大学男子篮球队在上世纪曾有过不俗的表现。The Men's Seminole basketball team has enjoyed some NCAA Success in the past century.

尽管还没有网站能达到亚马逊网站所占的份额,但它们都表现不俗。Although none of the sites has yet reached Amazon-like proportions, they are doing well.

我们的男主人远远看到有个外表不俗的绅士站在大厅的尽头。Our host descried a gentleman of unusual appearance standing at the far end of the hall.

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每个人都知道他在前锋线、右后卫、左后卫和中场都有不俗的表现。Everyone has also known you could play him at right-back, left-back, or even centre-half.

OHF集装箱搬运设备在全球范围的市场上赢得不俗销量。Since then, the OHF container-handling device has been sold many hundred times worldwide.

雅而不俗的淡雅香水,尽显女性魅力。Quietly elegant perfume, delicacy without fastidiousness, makes females even more charming.