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莉亚公主无所畏惧。Leia fears no one.

公主奥利夫殿下!Ye Princess Olive!

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公主殿下。Her Royal Highness.

问公主休闲音乐聊天室吧。我不介意。Go ahead. I don't mind.

祝福你,明迪公主。Bless you, Princess Mindy.

我觉得是建宁公主。Jianning Princess, I think.

莉亚公主立场坚定。Princess Leia has attitude.

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那么当公主们长大了又何如呢?And when princesses grow up?

丽诺儿公主喜欢蛋糕。Princess Lenore loved cakes.

碧奇公主,许个愿望吧!Princess Peach! Make a wish!

公主歪着头。The princess tilted her head.

公主殿下气派非凡地来了。Her Highness arrived in style.

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我是你的萍水相逢的公主。I'm your princess for a night.

你是个漂亮的公主!You are a prettiness princess!

每个公主都有一条鱼尾。Every princess has a fish tail.

辛巴达与美人鱼公主。Sinbad. and. Mermaid. Princess.

公主长得怎样?。How does the princess look like?

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这下子公主可就慌了。Right now princess might fluster.

我打断他说,“你还有把公主钻吧?”Do you have a princess drill, too?

我对公主并没什么不满。I have nothing against princesses.