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这质地是纯毛的吗?Is this material pure wool?

这种布的质地薄。This cloth lacks substance.

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色彩绚烂,质地丰润。It's rich in color and texture.

这种布具有丝的质地。This cloth has a silky texture.

首先,我们需要木头质地的图片。First up, we need a wood texture.

正装的质地是毛或者棉。Suits are made of wool or cotton.

在质地松软的岩石上形成许多深槽。Deep grooves channeled the soft rock.

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他买了两方质地优良的端砚。He bought two high quality inkstones.

这种布质地很紧密。This kind of cloth has a close texture.

丝绒质地更加柔软,尺寸也更大。Velour provides extra softness and size.

接待室的地面砖为软木材料质地。Reception's floor tile is made from cork.

质地粗糙的东西是涂不光滑的。A coarse texture will not take a high finish.

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质地呈灰白色、灰黑或褐色。Texture is off-white, grey and black or brown.

冷杉分泌出一种质地优良的松树胶。The firs perspire a fine balsam of turpentine.

由于乌木质地坚硬细密,色泽丰富悦目。Ebony hard because of detailed, color-rich eye.

许多蕴藏量太小,质地太不纯。Many of the deposits are too small, too impure.

谈谈食物们的外观和质地。Talk about the appearance and textures of foods.

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第二个区别就是质地。The second differentiating feature is the fabric.

在打理一件质地优良的白衬衫时,简单即好。When caring for a good white blouse, less is more.

可以使用不同质地、不同厚薄的纸。Paper of different texture or thickness may be used.