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我把他扼死了。I choked him to death.

碰到毒蛇,就得把它扼死。Mett snakes, have to strangle it.

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其中三起谋杀案的被害人都是这样被扼死的。Three of them throttled th’ victims like this.

他用绳子勒住了她的脖子,将她扼死了。He strangled her to death by a cord put around her neck.

一个杀人犯卡住这孩子的脖子把他扼死了。A murderer killed the child by choking the life out of him.

奥塞罗爱妻子但却残忍地扼死了妻子并终于自杀。Othello loves his wife Desdemona, but throttles her mercilessly.

废弃的钓鱼线和渔网会困住海洋生物,割伤它们的鳍或扼死它们。Discarded fishing lines or nets entrap sea life, amputating fins or strangling them.

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在这种情况下去道歉,只能让你身边的傻瓜蛋晋升,而你被原力锁喉扼死。It will only get the goofball next to you promoted while you are Force-choked to death.

当局声称54岁的男子是星期天早晨在自己家里亲手扼死了自己的女儿。Authorities say the 54-year-old man choked his daughter to death Sunday morning in their home.

“他们偷偷靠近小鸟,抓住小鸟,然后连手带脚地扼死猎物,”奈特说,“这完全是新的课题。"They sneak up on the birds, grab them and then strangle them with their hands and feet, " Knight says. "This is totally new stuff.

只有他知道,“鬼手”的魔力最终会征服这个陌生人,遮蔽光明,扼死所有他挚爱的人。He kept to himself that the ghost hand's power would overcome the stranger, block out the light and strangle life from all his loved ones.

雄鹰一只利爪攫起并扼死了老灰兔,正准备腾空离去,眼前的场景让它怔住了!The male eagle seized the rabbbit with sharp craws and killed it. When getting ready to fly away, the scene before his eyes made him startled.

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同时,在“黑房子”附近发生了多起命案,许多年轻的单身女子被人在家中扼死。In the meantime, several murdurs occurred near "the black house". Many a young single woman had been killed by way of throat-clutching at home.

回到正题,这些警察和抗议的市长们,在地上扭成一团,市长们用代表职权的三色旗饰带,威胁着要把警察扼死But,anyway,these police were wrestling to the ground these mayors who were protesting,using their tri-color sashes, threatening to strangle them with their own sashes of their authority.