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你能向其他部族求援吗?Can you get help from the other clans?

农夫奔回村里求援。The farmer ran to the village for help.

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我们向当局求援。We applied to the authorities for assistance.

告诉我一些遇事故可以打电话去求援的地方。Tell me some places to call in case of trouble.

你可以通过无线电发出求援信号。You can send out a call for help over the radio.

面临这麽巨大的任务,福洛曼向他的扶轮社求援。Facing an overwhelming task, Froman appealed to his Rotary club.

总局发布紧急求援信号,国会会同意吗?USPS has issued an urgent appeal for help. Will Congress deliver?

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这时候守城的将军被迫向整个魔剑世界发起求援。This time the generals Cheng forced to launch the entire world Mojian help.

在客货车里睡一晚还是走上十英里求援,当时实在是进退两难。It was a tossup between spending the night in the van and walking ten miles for help.

阿袁在外地学习。一天,他发现生活费已提前用完,便忙给家里拍电报求援。When taking a training program far away from home, Yuan found he had run out of money.

维登人渴求艾瑞冈的智慧与能力,精灵族与矮人族也向他求援。The Varden are in desperate need of his talents and strength—as are the elves and dwarves.

我们没有接到它们求援的信号,但因它们逾期很久犹未到达,这才引起了疑虑。No distress messages were received, and suspicion was only aroused when they became overdue.

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阿袁外地学习,生活费用完,给家里拍电报求援。A Yuan other place learns, maintenance is over, recourse to the send a telegraph in the home.

哈里斯对于军方对Fonkoze求援作出的高效反应表示感谢。Harris expressed gratitude for the efficient military response to Fonkoze’s request for help.

他们的面容不时泛起在新闻里或救济组织的求援广告里。Now and then their faces are shown in the news, or is the begging ads of relief organizations.

一所偏远的巫师学校的教工向外界求援,以应付一群食人魔的攻击。The staff at a remote school for wizards seeks help in dealing with attacks from a group of ogres.

早先的求援努力由于人群到处乱跑,使得直升机无处降落而受到了阻碍。Earlier attempts to reach victims were thwarted when the stampedes left helicopters nowhere to land.

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德国伸过来的求援之手,与华尔街的金色魔杖正好一拍即合。Germany stretching from the hands for help, and Wall Street's golden wand just hit it off instantly.

古芙呼吁人类「敞开心胸」,「勇于对我们另眼相看且向我们求援」。Kheops urges the human race "to open your heart" and to "dare to see us differently and ask us to help you.

若有不偏不倚的人在场,他就会求援于他们,以稳定自己动摇不定的思想。If any disinterested persons are present, he turns to them for some reinforcement of his own faltering mind.