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求婚时想入非非,结婚后如梦方醒。They dream in courtship, but in wedlock wake.

他用一种古怪的如梦方醒的神情看着她。He looked at her with a droll sort of awakening.

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他总能说出深埋于你心底的东西,令你如梦方醒。He speaks out what is deep in your heart and wake you up.

就在基督复活后,耶稣必须将预言讲解清楚,他的门徒才如梦方醒,明了其真谛。Even after the resurrection, Jesus had to explain the prophecies before the truth dawned on the disciples.

一席话使楚王如梦方醒,连连点头称是,并放弃了进攻越国的计划。Convinced as if awaked from a dream, the King agreed with Du Zi and gave up his plan of fighting against Yue.

这就好像使你如梦方醒般,从未看过由计算机制作而成的这样一部动画电影。这个故事也是非常地感人。It just knocks yourself out, never see an animated movie like this computer generated movie. The story was incredibly moving.

最好的抒情诗,想想济慈和雪莱的诗,就像是一次次的顿悟,让我们醍醐灌顶,如梦方醒。The best lyric poems—think of Keats or Shelley, for example—are moments of epiphany, a sudden opening out onto magic casements.

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之所以让我着迷,是因为曝光这些盲点常会让人如梦方醒、豁然开朗,从而人生之路又向前迈进一大步。The reason I find it so fascinating is that revealing these blind spots to us often produces moments of insight that can lead to tremendous personal growth.

东海龙如梦方醒,本来杀戮儿子的凶手就在身边,在突击队合力下,熊三死在了东海龙的枪下。The east China sea dragon dream wake up, the son of killing the murderer is in side, under the team together, bear three died in the east China sea dragon under the gun.

此时如梦方醒的印尼组合连续追分,但维迪安托的一次发球失误彻底葬送了翻盘的机会。This time Indonesia as if awakening from a dream combines pursues continuously the minute, but Uygur finds a place for a missed service has ruined the dumping tray opportunity thoroughly.