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多么漂亮的紫玉兰呀!What a beautiful purple magnolia you!

她住在洛杉矶玉兰街421号。She lives at 421 Magnolia St. , Los Angeles.

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你使用任何第三方玉兰模块?Are you using any 3rd-party magnolia modules?

玉兰树并没有读过罗兰·巴特。The magnolia trees hadn’t read Roland Barthes.

玉兰也几步移过来。Magnolia also several steps migrate to come over.

为何让我跟高家玉兰分离。Why let me talk to gaps thought yulan separation.

玉兰的花瓣在风儿的吹拂下,也纷纷地落下。Magnolia petals in Feng ER-Wind, they have to fall.

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玉兰堂古艺术位于美国芝加哥近郊。We are located in suburb of Chicago, Illinois, USA.

玉兰树高大而挺拔,树上长满枝丫。Magnolia trees tall and upright, tree covered Zhi Ya.

茉莉与依兰花,更显出荷花玉兰的珍贵香气。By jasmine and orchids, it shows Magnolia precious aroma.

日升感谢之下再次表达情愫,无法玉兰并不接招。Thank you again or to express feelings, to not take yulan.

有一天,玉兰娘家捎信来,让她回娘家看看。One day, YuLan her message, let her return home to have a look.

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紫玉兰的叶子油绿油绿的,可是非常小,不太茂盛。Purple Magnolia green leaves green, but very small, not too lush.

金玉兰广场酒店是一幢52层超高层酒店建筑。Jinyulan square hotel is a super high-rise building of 52 stories.

在绿叶掩映下盛开的玉兰树,看上去就像着了火。The magnolia trees, blossoming on the green, looked positively inflamed.

华盛顿国家植物园,荷花玉兰上的花萤Cantharidae on Magnolia grandiflora, National Arboretum, Washington, D.C.

辛夷,中草药名,即玉兰科望春花,亦称辛夷花。Xinyi , a herb name, is a kind of spring flower, also called Xinyi flower.

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玉兰的父亲朱大吉见钱眼开,竟将祖屋授权给政府。Yulan's father, Zhu Daji, agrees to sell his ancestral house to the government.

凡是购买朴道任意饰品的买家,加1元都可获得玉兰系列美戒一个。Park Road, all to buy any jewelry buyers, plus 1 per family are available to the U.

她话说的有趣,玉兰玉梅都撑不住笑了起来。Her words say interestingly, the magnolia jade plums all could not held up to laugh.