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她的男朋友是西点军校的一名军校生。Her boyfriend is a cadet of West Point.

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在西点军校生存对女性而言难不难?Was it harder to be a woman at West Point?

在帕西点点头,把他的手指在嘴唇上。The Parsee nodded, and put his finger to his lips.

我决定去那里学习西点,实现我的梦想。I decided to study Patisserie and realized my dream.

西点军校和伏龙芝军事学院就是其中的两所。West Point and Volongze Military Academy are two of them.

顺便说一句——西点军校几乎已经完全受到印度安角的影响了。BTW – WestPoint is almost within the shadow of Indian Point.

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艾伯特·那尔吉是在芝加哥西点浸信教堂的牧师。Albert Narj is the pastor at West Point Baptist Church in Chicago.

1842年,杰克逊进入西点军校美国陆军军官学校。In 1842, Jackson enrolled at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.

英国的桑德赫斯特和美国的西点都是军事学院。Sandhurst In England and West Point in the U. S. are military academies.

在1779年战争中期,他将作战总部转移到了西点。He moved his headquarters to West Point in 1779 in the middle of the war.

对西点军校毕业生进行的一次独家采访表明,不仅是为了钱。An exclusive survey of West Point graduates shows that it’s not just money.

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年轻的时候,他进入了西点军校,这是一所美国培养军官的学校。As a young man, Grant entered West Point, the nation's school for army officers.

带领巡逻队的是上尉布兰特-奥格,来自密西西比的西点军校毕业生。Leading the patrol was Capt. Brant Auge, a West Point graduate from Mississippi.

韧性能预测出西点军校的学生在第一年的超强度军训中,谁会坚持下来。Grit predicts which cadets will stick out their first grueling year at West Point.

我们想让儿子知道他没来西点军校错过了什么。They explained, We want to show our son what he missed by not coming to West Point.

西点是一所纽约州培养军官4年制的学校。West Point is a 4-year school in New York State that educates future Army officers.

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2014级的毕业生们,祝贺你们承接了西点军魂的使命。To the class of 2014, I congratulate you on taking your place on the Long Gray Line.

我们是专门生产糕饼、饼乾、牛轧糖、西点、蛋糕和面包的食品。We are a leading supplier of confectionery, cookies, nougat , pastries, cakes, bread.

我们对这份辛加尔文件进行了一系列广泛的分析研究,供美国西点军校的打击恐怖主义中心参考。The Sinjar records, which we analyzed extensively in a series of reports for the U. S.