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我们逼着他吐露很多关于他的下一个未来派游戏。So we cornered him to get more on his next futuristic wargame.

当然,未来派的火焰效果或其他的看上去有一种邪恶的美感。So sure, that futuristic flame effect or whatever looks wicked cool.

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但是,未来派艺术家在新世纪无可避免要重塑过去!But the futurists of the new millennium can't avoid reworking the past!

2008年,他又写了手工创造的世界,这是一本关于美国post-oil的未来派小说。And in 2008 he wrote World Made by Hand, a futuristic novel about post-oil America.

请包括三个科幻小说,未来派,超现实主义,幻想你的工作或样品。Please include three science fiction, futurist, surrealist, or fantasy samples of your work.

他又曾在著名的未来派时装设计家缭格勒那儿工作过半年。He has also sent the future of the famous fashion designer to work the streets there half year.

未来派公交车站,如果其中走出一位终结者,你应该不会感到奇怪。It is a kind of Futuristic bus station. If one Terminator comes out, you should not be surprised.

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尽管这符合未来派诗歌的规则和要求,却很难被归入文学之列。This, though it fulfills the laws and requirements of Futurist poetry, can hardly be classed as Literature.

从今年五月份开始你将在加州的阿纳海姆的迪斯尼乐园里呆呆地看到未来派的一些无用的玩意。You'll be able to gawk at all the futuristic falderal at Disneyland in Anaheim, California starting this May.

一个有着镭射光束眼睛和能摧毁一切的钛合金爪子的机器人,他从未来派来惩罚我们这些过去的人。An angry robot with laser beam eyes and crushing titanium claws, sent from the future to punish us in the past.

20世纪的视觉传达设计深受现代艺术运动立体派、未来派、达达派和超现实主义等各个流派的影响。Visual convey design in 20th century has been influenced deeply by Cubism, Futureism, Dadaism and super realism.

我们将以更强烈视觉效果的未来派姿态再重新启发一种杂志文化的新革命。We are ready to be futurists, to raise a revolution in the magazine culture through our powerful visual effects.

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尽管那些设计早已过时,它们仍然保留了一种未来派的口味,那种感觉倒不会很快消褪。Even though these designs are already obsolete, they still retain a futuristic flavor, and it won't fade so quickly.

苹果已经拿到了他的第一个涉及液态合金的专利,液态合金是一种有着超强可塑性的未来派金属。Apple has been granted its first patent related to Liquidmetal, that futuristic metal with awesome plastic qualities.

这款设计名为蚂蚁阿里的泡泡安乐椅,可谓是个超级未来派设计,它给使用者提供了一个舒适的茧状休息场所。Christened the Ari Ants bubble armchair, the ultra-futuristic design offers a soothing cocoon for the leisurely user.

然而关于未来派诗歌,情况就复杂得多,因为不管未来派诗歌到底是什么,—即使承认它有正确的理论基础——我们都很难称之为文。With regard to futurist poetry,however,the case is rather difficult,for whatever futurist poetry may be—even admitting

还有加加林从一个富有象征意义的环中飞过的奇特的未来派雕塑,就坐落在宇航员公寓得前面。There's a bizarre futurist sculpture of him flying through a symbolic ring in front of the so-called Cosmonaut's House.

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未来成为现实,最早是在科幻小说里,所以超前的未来派艺术家赛得·米德起码比我们领先两个时代。Science fiction is where the future happens first, and that puts futurist Syd Mead at least two steps ahead of the rest of us.

那么你将会发现未来派公交车站,它位于巴西库里提巴。如果其中走出一位终结者,你应该不会感到奇怪。Then you will find the futuristic bus station. It's located in Curitiba. If one Terminator comes out, you should not be surprised.

在一千万块瓷砖的包衬下,展馆看起来闪亮夺目,呈现出优雅的未来派格调。Enrobed in ten million porcelain tiles, the pavilion takes the form of a shining building, reconciling elegant with futuristic elements.