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一首掀起你的盖头来,曾打动了多少美好的心灵。A lift your veil, once touched many hearts.

彩色的糖珠,用作糖果和蛋糕的盖头。A sweet, creamy sugar paste used in candies and icings.

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相对大多数美国女性来说,我更钟情于戴体现多元文化的盖头。I tend to dress more multi-cultural than most American women.

就拿基督教来说吧,修女不能摘去她们的“盖头”。In Christianity for example, nuns cannot show up without their hijab.

我将那些不经常用的烹调用具的盖头收藏在一个大的汤锅里面。I keep cookware lids that I don’t use as often inside of my giant stockpot.

今年一月,她的体育盖头成为提供给世界各地的运动员。In January, her sports hijab became available to athletes all over the world.

大约两年的精神探索之后我也决定了戴起盖头。I decided to start wearing the headscarf after about two years of soul searching.

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女子交谈进入阶级一天,穿上了盖头后,她回复到伊斯兰教。The woman talked into the class one day, donning a hijab after she reverted to Islam.

又过了一会,宝玉实在按捺不住,上前揭了盖头。After a while, Pao-yu could wait no longer, so he stepped forward and removed the veil.

因他只有这一件当盖头,是他盖身的衣服,若是没有,他拿什么睡觉呢?because hsi cloak is the only covering he has for his body. What else will he sleep in?

她不想嫁一个只想与戴盖头实践的穆斯林结婚的人。She did not want to marry a man who simply wanted to marry a veiling , practicing Muslim.

如回族妇女的戴盖头习俗,是受阿拉伯妇女习俗的影响。If the wearing overlaying the head custom of the women of Hui, is influenced by Arabic woman custom.

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掀起了你的盖头来,让我看看你的眼,你的眼睛明又亮啊好像那秋波一模样。Off your hijab, the Let me see your eyes, Your eyes out, bright ah As if it were Akinami an appearance.

采用磁力扭矩式封盖头,自动抓盖、拧盖,有恒力矩封盖功能。Use magnetic torque type capping heads, automatic grasping cover, screw cap, immutability torque capping function.

自从2004年,法国禁止穆斯林盖头出现在学校及其它公共场合以来,盖头成为焦点。Hijab has been thrust into the limelight since the 2004 French ban on the Muslim headscarf at public schools and institutions.

–你可以悬挂一个毛巾架子,如果你烹饪用具的盖头有足够大的把手,可将把手滑至架子后面,这样就不用担心滑下去了。You can hang a towel rack and slide cookware lids behind it if your lids have large enough handles, so they don’t slip through.

比较薄的塑料盖头可以直接放在容器上,或者你可以安排它们垂直地放在杂志架或者信件分类装置上。Thinner plastic lids can go directly on their containers, or you can organize them vertically in a magazine rack or mail sorter.

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把输入和输出信号的峰值链起来显示从而使掀起你的盖头来效果器的效果独立于绝对信号水平可见。Links the peak of the input and output signal display so the UNVEIL effect becomes visible independent of absolute signal levels.

当人们看到戴头巾的穆斯林女性,通常他们只会注意到不同于西方时尚服饰的盖头。When people look at Muslim women who wear a headscarf , usually they only notice the headscarf as being different than Western-style clothing.

许多口齿伶俐和信仰坚定的具有不同背景的穆斯林女性戴着盖头分享她们对选择戴盖头的体验和感悟。A number of articulate and committed Muslim women with varied backgrounds share their experiences and insights about their choice to wear hijab.