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可以呼铁路的传呼,也可以呼地方的。The railway can call paging, can also call places.

失禁警报通过文字信息或养老院的传呼系统发送出去。Alerts are sent via text message or over the institution's paging system.

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这就是说,您可以订购的任何领域的一个实体的传呼服务对象人数。That said, you can order by any number of fields with an entity's paging object.

如果纳希没能迅速回到办公室,马多夫就会开始给他发传呼。If Nasi didn't get back to the office in short order, Madoff would start paging him.

其它分机器接收传呼信号后,发出传呼讯响。Other extension telephone sends the calling sound after receiving the calling signal.

总机将传呼紧急反应小组成员并传达报警的具体地点或区域。GSC will call for Emergency Response Team members through telephone or fire pager and give them the location or area of the alarm.

这种通知可以用于在系统需要关注时向应用程序管理员发送电子邮件或者传呼。This type of notification can be used to send an e-mail or page to the application administrator when the system requires attention.

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本文从设计,制作的角度,介绍一种低成本的,具有数显及对讲功能的传呼系统。A low cost communication device with alphanumeric display and dialogue function is introduced from the angle of design and manufacture in this paper.

介绍了AINI红外遥控传呼系统的功能和一类典型故障,并对这一典型故障从电路原理上进行了分析和改进。Describes the function and a typical failure of AINI infrared remote control calling system. Analyzes the failure from the working principle and improves it.

只要没有关注流量出现时,閒置计时器便会启动,因为閒置逾时时段及终止传呼是基于閒置计时器的组态设定的。The idle timer starts and runs as long as no interesting traffic is seen during the idle timeout period and disconnects the call based on the idler timer configuration.

介绍了一种无线寻呼台自动传呼器的组成、结构和控制软件,利用此设备可以在人工寻呼台中简单,方便地实现自动传呼。The component, structure and control software of an automatical call-up unit in radio call-up station are introduced to realize the automatic call in manual radio call-up station.