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木质样机是用来对环境工效进行配置以及修正样机的。This wooden plane is used for configuration ergonomics and correction of drafts.

在大多数情况下,设备在第一年内收回成本工效。In most cases, the cost of ergonomics equipment is recouped within the first year.

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起重机的行驶路线按单向吊装法,这种路线方法工效高。Route of crane follows single direction assembly route, which is of high efficiency.

艾斯考福图解法进行了一些改进,节省了计算工作量,提高了工效。By using the method, calculating work quantity is saved and work efficiency is raised.

文章研究了噪声、温度、湿度及照明对人体工效的影响。The effects of noise, heat, humidity and lighting on human performance were investigated.

这种简易时钟根据人体工效学设计而成,仅靠一个柠檬供电就可走上整整一周。Ergonomically styled, the simple clock can run for a whole week powered by a single lemon.

结合人体工效的相关因素阐述了防火服优化设计的方案。The optimal design program for fire protection clothing based on ergonomics is put forward.

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它的工效学设计是老少皆宜。Oh, we should also mention that it also has an ergonomic design and is perfect for all ages.

结论对试验数据分析证明所采用的主动加热方法合理,对工效影响很小。Conclusion The active heating method is rational and has little influence on working performance.

目的探讨急性轻、中度低压缺氧对手动作业工效的影响。Objective To explore the effects of mild and moderate acute hypobaric hypoxia on manual performance.

飞机驾驶舱显示布局及显示方式应符合视觉工效学设计原则。The layout and mode of displays in cock-pit should be compatible to ergonomic vision design principle.

生产应用表明,此项新技术可实现工艺稳定、提高工效、节省能源的目标。This new technology can realize the goal of process stability, high work efficiency and energy saving.

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本研究考察了黑、白两种VDT背景颜色对视觉工效的影响。An experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of VDT back- ground color on visual performance.

利用这套程序制作图件,不仅可成倍提高工效而且可以提高制图精度。Not only the drawing effectiveness, but also the drawing accuracy can be greatly raised with this program.

可确保建筑施工质量,降低施工成本,提高工效和施工技术水平。To ensure that construction quality, reduct construction costs, improve ergonomics and construction skills.

正确选择与确定基础的类型,不但能降低工程造价,还可提高工效。Selection of proper weight and foundation style can reduce the construction cost, and increase work efficiency.

新的工效学的耳朵填补非常舒服而且行动以一个比较正确的角度以驾驶员瞄准耳朵。The new ergonomic ear pads are very comfortable and act to point the driver at the ear at a more correct angle.

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该焊炬可实现大电流焊接,焊接质量好、工效高。The welding torch can accomplish high current weld, the welding quality is good, and the work efficiency is high.

改变传统的方形长孔加工工艺,提高工效。This paper changes conventional manufacturing technology on long hole of square steel to raise working efficiency.

该实验台的研制为飞机人机界面的工效设计和评定提供了一种新的方法。The experiment table also provides a new approach for the human-machine interface design and ergonomics assessment.