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吐谷浑的首领阿豺有二十个儿子。A'cai, chief of Tu Gu Hun, had 20 sons.

吐谷浑与北魏、隋朝和唐朝的关系。Tuyguhun with the Northern Wei, Sui and Tang Dynasty relationship.

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其次对吐谷浑在西域的拓展情况进行纵向论述。Second, in the Western Regions of Tuguhun longitudinal expansion on the situation.

最后从吐谷浑研究出发,探讨出吐谷浑民族的史学特点。Finally, it explores the characteristics of Tuyuhun nation' s history from the Tuyuhun study.

首先高屋建瓴地对吐谷浑的历史沿革进行了概述。First of all, from a strategically advantageous position in the history of Tuyuhun summarized.

本文主要是对吐谷浑民族形成、发展和消亡的若干问题进行研究。The paper discusses several problems in Tuyuhun's formation, development and perdition as an ethnic group.

利用敦煌吐鲁番文献论述吐谷浑灭国后在西域的活动和分布情况。Literature on the use of Dunhuang and Turfan Tuyuhun out the country after the Western Regions and distribution activities.

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土族族源问题,目前学术界仍有较大分歧。主要有“吐谷浑说”和“蒙古说”两种观点。At present, there has considerable divergence on the origin of the Tus, Tuyuhun theory and Mongolian theory are representative of the academic circles.

与吐谷浑相关的白兰地望当在今都兰一带,与汉代的"白狼"和元代的"白兰王"无关。Bailan was also related to the Tuyuhun, it was in now-called Dulan. It is not related to the "Bailang" in Han Dynasty and the "King of Bailan" in Yuan Dynasty.

文章对茶卡地区新发现的吐谷浑王陵的族属、陵墓主人的身份等做了考证,并就王陵文物保护工作提出了具体的建议。This article textually researches the recent discovery Tuyuhun mausoleum race to be and mausoleum master's status, and put forward the concrete proposals on mausoleum cultural relic.

在松赞干布统一吐蕃以后,就着手全面扩张,其中最为明显的就是先灭掉了吐蕃东北部的吐谷浑,然后占领了大唐王朝的大片土地,比方说河西、陇右、西域等地区。After unifying Tubo, Songtsan becomed expansioning the areas. First he occupied Tuyuhun northeast, then he occupied the areas of the Tang dynasty such as Hexi, Longyou, Western Region areas.

此期间,刘氏还作为唐朝廷全权代表,数次前往回纥铁勒抚慰,奔赴吐谷浑、吐藩宣敕,均圆满完成使命。This period, Liu also serves as the Tang imperial plenipotentiary, made several trips back to knot Tiele comfort, went to Tuyuhun, spit Phan Xuan Chi, are successfully completed its mission.

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吐谷浑玑墓志出土于洛阳邙山,它为研究吐谷浑玑生平及吐谷浑国与北魏王朝的关系提供了珍贵的史料。The epitaph of Tuguhun Ji was excavated in Mount Mangshan, Luoyang, which offers us the important historical materials about his life and the relations between Tuguhun and Northern Wei dynasty.

甘肃东乡族生活的东乡地区历史上先后活动过古羌人、吐谷浑、吐蕃等甘肃藏族先民。藏族是东乡族族源的重要成分。Gansu Tibetan nationality ancients such as old Qiang people, Tuguhun, tibetan had lived and worked in Gansu Dongxiang county. Tibetan nationality is the important ingredient of Dongxiang nationality.