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撩起窗帘,看城市的华灯初上。Raise the curtain, see the city of lights.

城市华灯初上,大家出来散步,And the city just lights up and everyone mills around,

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华灯初上的城市,谁在看不见的角落苟延残喘?At night, the city, who in the invisible corner alive?

华灯齐放,大街更漂亮了。The streets are more beautiful with all the lights on.

令人目眩的华灯之下竟有一副黑暗的躯体。Against the dazzlingly bright lights lay a dark figure.

当黑夜来临,华灯初升的繁华都市。When the night comes, attesting the busy city of lights.

华灯初上,自己依旧在徘徊。On the light beginning, oneself still Be go back and forth.

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夜晚降临华灯初上时,江边看起来是多么壮观啊!How magnificent the Bund looks ai night when all the lights are turned on.

啊,那些高楼大厦、华灯、香水、藏金收银的闺房还有摆满山珍海味的餐桌!Oh, the mansions, the lights, the perfume, the loaded boudoirs and tables!

夜晚的香榭丽舍纸醉金迷,华灯初上的夜巴黎只是一个梦。Paris is burning all night long. My heart is dreaming, but Paris is screaming.

幻想华灯初上的时候,美丽的大海上将会是怎样的一种奇景?Across from the time when fantasy, the beautiful sea will be what kind of a spectacle?

华灯初上,临窗而坐,整个外滩的景色一览无余。Sitting by the window as the lights turns on, you can keep the wonderful view of the bund.

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每当夜幕降临,华灯初放,整个公园就弥漫着浓郁的异国风情。The exotic sentiment will be prevailing over the park once lights are lit up at nightfall.

当我走出教堂,华灯初上,一个规模庞大的集市展现在了眼前。When I was out of the church, the lanterns are a large-scale market had unfolded in front of.

夜幕氤氲下的城乡,华灯初上的时光,细雨刚刚飘过的地方,人潮涌动的街市公园。Night enshrouding the urban and rural, the evening times, drizzle just over the place, crowded downtown park.

每到晚上华灯初上,湄公河边坐满了纳凉的人群,远眺对岸泰国乌隆的点点灯火,菩提树影婆娑。At every night, many people sit besides Mekong River to overlook lights and whirling banyans of Thailand Udon.

忽然,远处他看见那城市,一座仙城——华灯闪耀水晶般的建筑像推起的钻石。Then all at once, in the distance, he sees the city, a kind of Oz—its lighted crystal buildings like piled diamonds.

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在夜幕中,大楼的立面华灯璀璨,巨大的灯光秀是浦东无法比拟的。At night, its floodlit facades offer an unparalleled vantage point for marveling at the giant light show that is Pudong.

白天初见平遥,令人印象深刻,而华灯初上后,这座古城才真正散发出了光彩,丝毫不逊于白天。As impressed as I was with my initial introduction to Pingyao during daylight hours, it's at night that the city truly shines.

傍晚,从酒店俯瞰华灯初上的一级方程式赛车夜间赛道,新加坡。Singapore — The street circuit of the Formula One night race is illuminated during a light testing seen from Swissotel at dusk.