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沉睡在树梢。On the treetop.

高高地落自树梢。Falling from on high leaves.

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树梢白雪闪光。Where the treetop's glisten.

微风轻拂着树梢。The breeze kissed the tree tops.

月亮从树梢上露出头。The moon appeared over the tree-tops.

第三天冻得要命,将鸟爪冻在了树梢。It froze the birds' claws to the threes.

这时,头顶已是黑朦朦一片,月亮早就爬上树梢了。The moon had already climbed up above trees.

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于是,它找到一枝树梢落下。Thereupon, it finds a treetop falling behind.

在乌鸦树梢的那一边是堆乌云。Beyond the crows' treetops are banks of clouds.

今晚,似乎满月徐上树梢。Tonight, the moon came out, it was nearly full.

最甜美的葡萄挂在最高的树梢上。The sweetest grapes hang the highest. —F. E. Hulme.

大雕将其尸体带回树梢上的窝里。The eagle carries the body back to its treetop lair.

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当太阳跃上东岳峰顶的树梢。When the sun rising on the tree top of Dongyue Mount.

污秽的骆驼四处游荡,用鼻子蹭着裸露的树梢。Mangy camelsrange, nuzzling the denuded tops of trees.

一只鸟儿在树梢的枝丫上唧唧啾啾地唱着。A bird was singing in the topmost branches of the tree.

当暮色爬上树梢时我们来到了乔治王子城。As dusk crept over the treetops we pulled into Prince George.

太阳正从那些树的树梢上冉冉升起。The sun was just rising through the leafy tops of those trees.

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一个乐观的人,就是那种即使被狮子逼上了树梢,他也同样能够欣赏漂亮的风景。Optimist a man who gets treed by a lion but enjoys the scenery.

腕龙是草食动物,它吃树梢处的叶子。The Brachiosaurus was a plant eater. It ate tops of tall trees.

胜利果实,永远挂在树梢上,你可要努力往上跳,才能摘到啊!Victory, always hung on trees, you can try to jump, to pick up!