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新加坡的访视个案,好多师姑、师姐和师伯我都认识。A home visit case from Singapore, I knew most of the SG, SJ and SX.

我真的佩服蔡师姑对环保的坚持与用心。I truly admired Cai SG , in her determination to conserve and recycle.

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东边的郑州还出现了大师姑二里头文化城址。Dashigu Wall City of Erlitou Culture was discovered in Zhengzhou of the east.

金妈妈说广东话,淑蓉师姑讲华语,我说英语,互相配合。Jin Ma Ma speaks Cantonese , Jennifer SG speaks Mandarin and I speaks English.

这一次因为于何主任有约,时间受到限制,我和金满师姑在助念未完成便提早离开。This time, due to time constraint, we need to meet Mr Her, Vickie SG and I left early.

但我觉得和普通的庙宇差不多,唯一不同的是寺庙里面还有一个师姑庵。But I didn't feel it was a special temple. The only one difference was a Auntie Om inside in it.

走下礼台时,很巧地,我从国香师姑手中接下了我的第一个竹筒。While walking down from the stage, I received my first bamboo bank from, coincidently Guo Xiang SG.

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新加坡的访视个案,好多师姑、师姐和师伯我都认识。感恩大家的付出。A home visit case from Singapore, I knew most of the SG, SJ and SX. Many thanks to everyone involved.

慈青聚会每两周一次,礼拜五傍晚,轮流在各位师伯或师姑家里举行。Tzu Ching gathering takes places every fortnightly , on Friday, alternating among various SG and SB place.

以广西黔江师姑滩的整治实践为例,证明了文中所述的论点。Take the regulation practice for Shigu beach of Qianjiang in Guangxi as an example proved the argument set forth in this paper.

统筹的师伯和师姑们一大早就到牌坊下,准备好志工背心、海报、传单以及募款箱。The organizing SB and SG are here early in the morning, well prepared with donation boxes, flyers, posters and volunteer jackets.

我真得很佩服蔡师姑,她会走到路人面前,令他们停下脚步,向他们解释我们募款的理由,并要求捐款。I greatly admire Cai SG, she will walk right up to people, stop them in their tracks, explain to them our causes and request for donation.

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特伟林答应志工他会延续这份大爱,他也向这群像是家人的师姑道别。Promising volunteers that he will continue this cycle of love, Htet Wai Lin bids farewell to the aunties who have already become like family.