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我是来至歉意的!I come to apologize!

我对此表示歉意。On this I apologise.

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他的歉意是出自内心的。His apology was sincere.

他一脸歉意地笑了笑。He smiled apologetically.

请接受我的歉意。Please accept my apologies.

他啜泣着表示歉意。He blubbered out an apology.

请接受我的歉意.Please accePt our aPologies.

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请接受我的歉意。Please accept my appologies.

他再一次向她表示深深的歉意。Again he told her how sorry he was.

䌷署请接受我真诚的歉意。Please accept my deepest apologies.

我对我说过你的闲话向你表示歉意。I apologize for what I said about you.

请代我表示歉意,并向她告别。Pray make my excuses and adieus to her.

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艾伯怀特太太替她丈夫表示歉意。Mrs. Ablewhite apologized for her husband.

对你们所造成的不便,我们深感歉意。We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

她满是歉意,但是事出有因。She was apologetic, but had an explanation.

主席向我们表示歉意后便离开了。The chairman excused himself to us and left.

他们对于由此带来的不便深表歉意。They are awfully sorry for the inconvenience.

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我们对动物怀有最深切的歉意。We owe the animals our profoundest apologies.

在便签上写上你真诚的歉意。Write a note containing your sincere apology.

此问题已经在处理当中了,给您造成不便,深感歉意!We are fixing the problem, it will bw OK soon!