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改善员工士气“to improve employee morale."

它真是名副其实的士气提升器。It was a real morale-booster.

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团队士气开始下降。Team morale starts to decline.

你们部队的士气怎么样?How is the morale of your unit?

他们不能挫败我们的士气。They could not destroy our morale.

他们觉得这些数字可以鼓舞士气。They feel that it's good for morale.

它能提高士气和生产率。It increases morale and productivity.

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我们的部队需要规复士气。Our army needs to restore its morale.

他能在其他队员垂头丧气的时候鼓舞士气。He can lift morale when others are down.

谈论失败使球队士气低落。Talk of defeat had demoralized the team.

不好的员工会破坏好员工的士气。Bad employees demoralize the good employees.

即将采取制裁的谣言能使士气低落。Rumors of impending sanctions can demoralize.

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听到这个好消息,士气立刻振作起来。Morale perked up immediately at the good news.

比较宽松的服装规定会有比较高昂的士气。Morale is better with a more casual dress-code.

那次惨败动摇了这支部队的士气。The terrible defeat has shaken the army morale.

猫、狗在提升员工士气上都能发挥奇效。A cat or dog can do wonders for workers' morale.

一只猫或一只狗能为工人们的士气带来奇迹。A cat or dog can do wonders for workers’ morale.

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用免费零食鼓舞员工士气成本很低。Free snacks are a cost-effective morale booster.

但正如每个军官所知的,士气至关重要。But as every army officer knows, morale is crucial.

例如,工作团队士气十分低落。For example, they are hugely demoralizing for teams.