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人们很容易走神。People are easily distracted.

走神实际上是纸老虎。Distractions are really paper tigers.

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别让老板发现你走神儿!Don't let the boss catch you napping!

我上课时总是走神。I was always absent-minded in the class.

集中注意力做练习,不要走神儿。Focus on the exercise, and do not daydream.

但当你开始着手创作时,一定不要走神。Then shut them off when you’re going to create.

我一直都知道走神是我的一个问题。I have always known that distraction is a problem for me.

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他驾驶时走神儿了,几乎出事故。His absence of mind while driving nearly caused an accident.

如果走神了,回到呼吸上。If your mind wanders, simply bring it back to your breathing.

同时,走神的顾寒也驾驶着宝马冲了过来。At the same time, distracted Gu also driving a BMW cold rushed.

她常常会抚着我的头发,吃饭的时候,也会盯着我的眉眼走神。She often stroking my hair, eat, also staring at my eyes wander.

他们自我控制力低下,很容易走神或者冲动。They have low self-control, are easily distracted and impulsive.

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苏珊转过身来,看到雅各布在她刚刚走神的时候站了起来。Susan turned to face Jacob, who had risen while she was distracted.

我会在每次参加关于版权法的讨论时都尽力防止自己走神儿。I'll try to stop dozing off whenever I go to a talk on copyright law.

打断、走神或者催促对方赶快结束通常会被认为是粗鲁的。Interrupting, ignoring or hurrying the other person is considered rude.

与低排位选手比赛时,有时我会在两三局比赛中走神。Against lower-ranked players sometimes I lose focus for two or three games.

司机在开车时,不许和人谈话,也不能走神。A driver who is driving the bus mustn’t talk with others or be absent-minded.

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我们越来越容易走神了,还是我们的大脑已经适应了这种刺激?Are we driving distracted or have our brains adapted to the incoming stimuli?

是否走神是不快乐的结果,而非诱因?Could the mind-wandering be a consequence rather than a cause of unhappiness?

因为我不喜欢大家,在上课的时候走神。I really am just not a fan of the sort of zone-out model of lecture audition.