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升高,-你确定?Higher. -Really?

我们升高压强。We raise the pressure.

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三极管能升高电压。The triode steps up voltage.

升高的音阶增加紧张感Scales that go up add tension.

洪水升高了,像茫茫的海洋。The water moved up like a sea.

水位正在不断地升高。The water level is heightening.

我认为会升高,-会高很多吗?I think it's gonna go up. -A lot?

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扶手随阶梯逐级升高。The handrail scales with the steps.

假如佣金升高了,价格也要升高。A higIT commission ways a higIT price.

他的发际线每天都在升高。Every day , his hair-line looked higher.

如今,他们估计,到2100年,气温升高的中间值是5.2度。Now the median estimate is 5.2C by 2100.

几乎别的每件事升高的价格。Rising prices for almost everything else.

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我们的煽动性的细胞因子升高和降低。Our inflammatory cytokines go up and down.

铜的庞大也意味着储存的成本升高。Its bulkiness means it costs more to store.

甲胎蛋白升高的其他原因还有什么?What are other reasons for an elevated AFP?

它掩没苦涩口味和升高味道。It masks bitter tastes and heightens flavor.

因此我们升高一物体的温度。So we increase the temperature of an object.

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现在,可以把压强再升高一点。Now, I could raise the pressure a bit higher.

他汀类药物可以升高血PCSK9水平。Statins increase human serum levels of PCSK9.

但是,温度升高又带来旱灾。But with rising temperature come droughts too.