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孩子们还是每天捣蛋。Kids misbehave every day.

坏小孩调皮捣蛋。The bad child is mischievous.

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不给糖就捣蛋!闻我的臭脚!Trick or treat! Smell my feet.

捣蛋还是给糖,闻闻我的脚丫子。Trick or treat , smell my feet.

那个专找茬儿的捣蛋分子被逐出会场。The heckler was ejected from the meeting.

把我们的孩子养育成调皮捣蛋的孩子We raise our children to be spoiled brats

罗伯特·克莱夫小时候据说是个调皮捣蛋的孩子。Clive is said to have been a young terror.

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他对这个小孩的调皮捣蛋低声轻笑。He chuckled at the child's mischievousness.

孩子们总是调皮捣蛋寻开心。The children are always up to amusing tricks.

整个晚上孩子们都在调皮捣蛋。The children have been acting up all evening.

敲着门,喊着“给糖果不然就捣蛋!”Knocking on doors, calling, "Trick-or-Treat! ""

那个小家伙又在他母亲面前捣蛋。The little fellow was cheeking up his mother again.

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“捣蛋还是给糖”的活动还有许多值得期待的。The actual trick-or-treating left much to be desired.

如果我自己的小孩想要去“不给糖就捣蛋”,我该怎么做呢?What if my own children want to go trick-or-treating?

调皮捣蛋的标准伸小舌头脸!The typical naughty face with her tongue sticking out!

做父母所宠爱的,正是这种调皮捣蛋的孩子。A rowdy kid like that is just the kind that parents dote on.

不给糖就捣蛋,闻闻我们的臭脚丫,拿些好东西来给我们吃。Trick or treat, smell our feet, give us something good to eat.

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捣蛋的将会是什么?祝你有个快乐的万圣节!Trick kor treat what it will be? Wishing you a happy Halloween!

我非常喜欢小孩,尤其喜欢他们捣蛋时却不给出任何暗示。I just love kids. I adore it when they do things without a clue.

她爱捣蛋,但总是搞一些小的故意气气你。She trick or treat love, but always make a few small kinked you.