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太阳系从此有了九大行星。The Solar System now had 9 planets.

但是我们不能对太阳系外行星做到这一点。But we can't do this for exoplanets.

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下面,让我们一起欣赏一下更多的外太阳系行星的图片吧。Check out more exoplanet images below.

连丢进太阳系都嫌你不够环保。You're polluting the entire solar system.

如果我们的太阳系里真有地狱的话,那一定是金星。If our solar system has a Hell. it's Venus.

冥王星在太阳系外宇宙有着它自己的家族。Pluto has family in the outer solar system.

太阳系里最冷的地方在那里?What is the coldest place in the solar system?

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太阳系是银河系中一个小的天体系统。The flexible antenna system is a multi-body link.

我们的家园地球,是太阳系的第三颗行星。Earth, our home, is the third planet from the sun.

它是太阳系中已知的旋涡中最大的一个。It's the largest known vortex in the solar system.

太性感美女阳和所有围绕它旋转地行星叫做太阳系。The Sun and its planets are called the solar system.

也许,海卫一是太阳系中最寒冷的星球。Triton may be the coldest place in our solar system.

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太阳系中最靠内的水星位于金星右下方。Innermost planet Mercury is below Venus, to the right.

它还能帮助寻找太阳系以外的行星。It will also help with the search for extrasolar planets.

1992年,科学家发现了第一颗太阳系之外的行星。Scientists first discovered an extrasolar planet in 1992.

都卜勒效应通常用于探索太阳系外行星。The Doppler effect is used to discover extrasolar planets.

在我们的太阳系地球是第五大行星。The earth is the fifth-largest planet in our solar system.

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为何我们不向太阳系的每一个角落发射火箭?And why aren't we sending rockets all over the solar system?

我们独一的太阳系似乎要被死寂的世界给淹没了。Our own solar system appears to be chocked with dead worlds.

如果太阳系中有一个“失败者”,那它一定是金星。If the solar system has an underachiever, it has to be Venus.