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这个城市没有草长莺飞的传说。The city had no romantic legend.

旧时的江南,草长莺飞的季节。The old South, the spring season.

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春天里哎,那草长莺飞。In spring, grasses are growing and birds flying.

翻开史册,我欣赏草长莺飞的长相思。Open the history books, I appreciate the vibrant Sauvignon blanc.

曾经草长莺飞的球场,可还曾记得当年的草香。Once the grass is growing warbler flying course can be had also recall that there were Kusaka.

草长莺飞的五月即将过去,火红火红的六月就在眼前。Will go over , flaming May June flying moves towards the long warbler of grass before the eyes.

如今,在草长莺飞的三月,看到你如约而至的灼华。Now, in the long grass birds are flying in March, see you around and to the burning, such as China.

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和风微拂,草长莺飞,还有那满眼的花团锦簇,这个春天,赏花实在是件美事。With mild breeze, sprouting grass, twittering birds and an eyeful of flower clusters, it is really comfortable to enjoy flowers in this spring.

草长莺飞的季节,午后的阳光格外温暖,温暖的不仅是阳光,还有手中醇香的咖啡。In the season when the grass turns green and orioles fly, the afternoon sunshine seems particularly warm. Not only the sunshine, but also the coffee in our hands makes us feel warm.

在北欧,这个季节的日照可以达到20小时左右,经历漫漫长冬的人们终于可以沐浴在仲夏温暖的日光中,享受草长莺飞,鲜花遍地的假日。In North Europe, the duration of bright sunshine of this season could be around 20 hours. Now the Swedish people can finally bathed in the brilliant sunshine and enjoy the thriving season.

这个城市没有草长莺飞的传说,它永远活在现实里面,快速的鼓点,匆忙的身影,麻木的眼神,虚假的笑容,而我正在被同化。The town was the legend of the grass sprout out of the earth, it will always live in reality there, rapid drums, hurried figure, numbness of look in the eyes, false smile, and I'm being assimilation.

⊙、花木芳香,草长莺飞,怎奈一句清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂,使得清明二字在文字深处更增添了几分烟雨迷蒙的感觉。Fragrant flowers and trees, the grass sprout out of the earth, but a heavily as qingming comes passers-by with lowered spirits go, make clear the word deep in the text added a bit more apprehensively.