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在我死之前。Before I die.

它之前都是未可知的。It was unknown.

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对不起,我之前忘了。Sorry, I forgot.

乘汽车上峨嵋山之前。Mount Emei by bus.

这是之前的车。There was the car.

发出之前,检查错别字。Check before send-out.

你之前骑车上过班吗?Have you biked to work?

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随即收回之前的话And they take them back.

在滴干成衣时期之前。Before the drip-dry era.

你去之前先给他写封信。Write her before you go.

他只曲身于利润之前。He bent only upon profit.

我之前住在校内。I used to live on campus.

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那是三年之前。That was three years ago.

唱歌之前她大声清了清嗓子。She hawked before singing.

而在那之前一个月是72天。The month before that, 72.

没干活之前,别先提要求。Don't speak before working.

他只屈身于利润之前。He bent solely upon profit.

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使用之前要摇匀。Shake well before using it.

其他人之前也提出过这种说法。And that's what Thomson did.

张嘴骂人之前先倒数十秒。Count to ten before scolding.