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那是他喜爱的文句。That's his favorite phrase.

学习如何在文书处理工具中输入文句。Learn how to enter text in a wordprocessor.

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他以圣约翰福音中的文句作布道的题目。He preached on a text from St. John's gospel.

它的要素五花八门,和他的文句一样。Its elements are as disparate as his sentences.

他默记了莎士比亚的许多文句。He knows many passages from Shakespeare by heart.

他在演说时,附加了一句引自圣经的文句。He tagged his speech with a quotation from the Bible.

阅读下列引自莎士比亚作品中的文句。Read the following quotations from different Shakespeare plays.

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翻译字词成语文句是非常困难的一件事。Translating the words, idioms, phrases is such a difficult thing.

要让文句切中要点,最好的方法就是用第三人称写作。The best way to convey clout is to write the paper from a third-person point of view.

海明威写出的文句简短,那是他担任堪萨斯明星报记者时被要求做到的。Hemingway's sentences were short, the way he had been taught to write at the Kansas City Star newspaper.

华美的辞藻要字典去找,美好的文句需求考虑,真诚的问候不打草稿。Rhetorical flourishes to dictionary to find, beautiful words need to think, sincere greetings not rough draft.

通过反复地检查不太可能的或者不正确的字母搭配,泰格博士的软件从无序的音波中整理出了可理解的文句。By repeatedly revising unlikely or incorrect letter assignments, Dr Tygar's software extracts sense from sonic chaos.

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广播电视记者必须警惕那些印在纸上毫无问题,但读出来会荒唐可笑的文句。Broadcast writers must be wary of language that might be correct on the printed page, but sounds ridiculous when read aloud.

单个的文字组合在一起,便成了美不胜收的诗词或者文句或者祝福的话。The characters come together to form a poem, a conversation or even a blessing. All of which are beautiful and considered art.

在这篇论文中,我们提出了一套可用于中文文句转台语语音系统的台语连音变调预估模组。In this paper we proposed a module to deal with the Taiwanese tone sandhi problem for Chinese to Taiwanese Text-to-Speech systems.

要是任何人引用重要科学家的文句,听来似乎有质疑演化的味道,请坚持找出那些文句的出处,根据文脉了解它们的涵义。When confronted with a quotation from a scientific authority that seems to question evolution, insist on seeing the statement in context.

我们对文句的诠释,心无旁骛、深度阅读时形成的丰富精神联系,这些能力很大程度上已经离我们而去。Our ability to interpret text, to make the rich mental connections that form when we read deeply and without distraction, remains largely disengaged.

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他简练的文句中每每传达出对于人性、对于我们在宇宙中独特地位的洞见,比起其他最最未来派的人物思想,更强烈牵引著我们的心灵。His pithy quotations tug harder than those of most futurists on our collective psyches for their insights into humanity and our unique place in the cosmos.

比较详细地介绍了该方法的设计思想,字典构造,自动抽词和文句切分的具体做法。The specific means of the design framing, the structure of dictionary, automatic choice of index terms and the separation of sentences are discussed in detail.

找那个放错的逗点的方式是一套系统,先分辨主词,受词、动词,再把他们组成文句,让放错的逗点现身好抓。Locating the superfluous comma will be a matter of systematically identifying subjects, objects, and verbs and grouping them into clauses until the extra comma has been caught.