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预售票还有剩吗?Are there any advance tickets left?

在城里可以买预售票吗?Can one buy advance tickets in town?

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但是预售门票已经卖光了。But the presale tickets were sold out.

这意味着我符合预售的立场。It means I fit the postion of pre-sale.

点击这里了解放映时间表和预售票情况。Click here for times and presale tickets.

所有的票将在3天前预售。All bookings will be made 3 days in advance.

先生,很抱歉,预售票卖完了。Sorry, sir. The advance tickets are sold out.

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“哈姆雷特”预售票还有吗?Be advance ticket for " hamlet " still available?

我要三张明天表演的预售票。I'd like three advance tickets for tomorrow's show.

只有持卡人才能领取预售票。Will call tickets must be picked up by card holder.

而这还仅仅是预售之后两天的情况。And this is just two days after the initial pre-sale.

预售在住房不动产购买行为中是一种常用的方式。Pre-sale of housing is a common approach to purchase.

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截至上月底止,集团有7个项目可预售。At the end of last month, it had 7 projects for pre-sales.

预售制度在我国以后建立,商品房预售合同具有了一定的普遍性。Pre-sell contract uses real property as its business subject matter.

这个明明就是告诉你是预售,正式发布将在2009年9月30日。Available for Pre-order . This item will be released on Sep 30, 2009.

目前,一些车次学生票的预售期已经提前。Also, the student ticket booking time for some trains has been advanced.

我刚刚从朋友那里得到两张“星球大战”的预售电影票。I've just got a pair of presale "star wars" movie tickets from a friend.

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汉克筹划了一个买卖,不能算是预售,应该是急救销售,将贝尔斯登卖个给摩根大通银行。He arrangeed a sale, but not quite a fore sale, a fire sale to JP Morgan.

商品房预售成了商品房交易市场的主要的交易方式。The pre-sale of commercial housing becomes the primary form of transaction.

期酒和预售酒投资具有一定的风险,选择可靠的购买渠道尤为重要。Collectors take on a great risk when they buy wine futures and pre-arrivals.