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人是聪敏的动物表现如低能儿。Man is a clever animal who behaves like an imbecile.

凡有幽默的素养者,都是聪敏颖悟的。Where the quality of humor, are smart perspicacious.

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在我的眼中,律师是正义聪敏的象征。In my eyes a lawyer is the symbol of justice sagacity.

因性聪敏而又勤学,每试必列前茅。Sexual Congmin but Diligence, each test must be out forefront.

其间,聪敏在他任职的补习社重遇妹妹惠敏。In the meantime, Congmin bumps into Huimin at the tuition centre.

作者着力塑造的也是燕青、乐和等聪敏、机灵的人物。Focus is on shaping Yan Qing, music and so intelligent, smart person.

这是多么令人赞叹的聪敏与宽厚。This is the sagacity that how your person highly praises and clement.

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他们都特别聪敏,有智慧,并且很勤奋。I think it's wonderful they are incredibly bright and smart and engaged.

可是,马爱眉却仍然坚持继续与聪敏交往,令马沙非常担忧。However, Amy Ma still insists on dating Congmin. Ma Sha is anxious for her.

为什么聪敏的人有时候又会做出一些愚蠢,荒谬的傻事?Why do smart people sometimes do dumb or irrational things?" --Philip Zimbardo

余此同时,怡欣已完全康复,更悉知爱眉为她向聪敏报复的计划。Shuhua is shocked. In the meantime, Yixin recovers and learns about Amy's plan.

同时,聪敏还恳求中和让他为儿子庆祝生日。In the meantime, he also asks Zhenghe's permission to celebrate Renjie's birthday.

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只谈与工作相关的话题可以聪敏地避开办公室政治。Sticking to work-related topics is a fantastic way to stay out of office politics.

聪敏要求马沙抽回借给志忠的资金,但马沙一口拒绝。Congmin asks Ma Sha to take back his money from Zhizhong, but Ma Sha turns him down.

任何傻瓜都能学一门语言,可要成为翻译就要非聪敏之人不可。Any old fool can learn a language, but it takes an intelligent person to become a translator.

现在我看着你,眼前所见并非一位聪敏、自信的男人,而是一个无耻狂妄、内心恐惧的孩子。I look at you. I don't see an intelligent, confident man. I see a cocky, scared-shitless kid.

勇气胆量,勤奋向上,自我控制,和聪敏机灵的努力,都是成功必不成少的要素。Courage, hard work, self-mastery, and intelligent effort are all essential to successful life.

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真正的朋友不需要很多,如果能够心心相印,只要有一个聪敏的朋友就足够了。True friends do not need a lot, if you can have, as long as there is a smart friend is enough.

比利奇是一个聪敏的家伙,但是现在却轮到他来承受压力的煎熬。Bilic is smart but his ingenuity has become tortuous now that it is his side undergoing stress.

另一方面,淑华得知聪敏患上喉癌,大表震惊。In the meantime, Shuhua is shocked when she learns that Congmin is suffering from throat cancer.