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此时,他的妻子也十分动情。And she was very very moved at this moment.

他想探究女人动情的原因。He is trying to find out what turns on women.

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体育比赛吸引了美国人的注意力并使之动情。Games have captured the American heart and mind.

几乎忘了最初。动情的暖秋。Almost forgot initially. The warm autumn estrogen.

“我怀念过去那些美好的日子,”她动情地补充道。I miss the good old days, 'she added sentimentally.

“我怀念过去那些美好的日子,”她动情地补充道。I miss the good old days, ' she added sentimentally.

总统候选人过分动情地阐述改革措施。The president candidate drooled the reform measures.

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他没料到他将面对一群不动情的观众。He didn't expect that he would face an immovable audience.

这个孩子的悲惨遭遇即使最冷酷的心肠也会为之动情。The child's misery would move even the most obdurate heart.

所以只要他不动情,我就不干涉他。Want him only so not become enamoured , I am hands-off him.

要是你不动情,他也许会想念这一女性特质的。Give up on gushing and he may miss seeing that feminine trait.

这类故事应该是你发自肺腑、动情地讲述的。This type of story should be told from your heart, with emotion.

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目的观察雌鼠动情周期学习记忆能力的变化。Objective To explore the change of female mice on learning-memory.

说好不能对你动情,可是我就是控制不了自己。Good for you that can not be emotional, but I just can not help myself.

这位青年歌手以她美妙动情的演唱使听众兴奋不已。The young singer has thrilled crowds with her fine and sensitive singing.

我已对你动情,宝贝,为了你,没有我不愿做的事情。This feeling that I got for you, baby, there's nothing that I wouldn't do.

这就是所谓心心相印、两位一体,也就是真正的动情。This is the so-called affiliated, the two integrated, that is true estrus.

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Lenkov建议大家,如果可以,尽量避免讲一些易动情的故事。If possible, avoid telling emotional stories in interviews, Lenkov suggests.

当我经过我们的玫瑰园,我动情于玫瑰-“林肯先生”的慷慨。As I passed our rose garden, I thrilled to the bounty of blossoms on the 'Mr.

33岁的威廉王子动情地表示,为人父改变了他的生活。Prince William, 33, spoke movingly about how fatherhood has changed his life.