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她的支票被拒付而退回。Her cheque has bounced.

那只虎退回巢穴。The tiger retired to its den.

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乔安娜习惯于退回到房间里JoAnn used to retire to her room

银行拒付并退回她的租金支票。The bank bounced her rent cheque.

然后点5来使胸罩退回。Then five or 5to push the bras back.

零售商的确支付较高价格,然后他们就可以退回卖不出去的图书。Retailers do pay higher prices, then.

队伍从原路退回。The troops went back by the same route.

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昨天你把我的故事退回来了。Yesterday you sent back a story of mine.

她退回来,门关上了。She stepped back inside, closed the door.

每一次我放钱进去,钱又退回来了。Every time I put into money, it comes back.

查看发件人字段的将退回的物料。View the Sender field of the returned items.

他们每年都去买马的退回。They went northwards every year to buy horses.

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很明显我们已经从危险的边缘退回来了。It is clear we have stepped back from the brink.

令我失望的是,银行居然拒付并退回那张支票。To my disappointment the bank bounced the cheque.

邮件被盖上退还邮寄人的印戳退回。It came back with "return to sender"stamped on it.

VCD在保修期间可以退回维修。This VCD can be returned for repair under warranty.

他们已经退回我送的两份批准书了。They've already sent back two approvals I sent them.

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使用5W2H清楚地描述客户生产线退回问题和三包问题。Use 5W2H to clear describe CLR and Warranty problem.

因为废催化剂也可退回进行还贷?Since spent catalyst is also returnable for a credit.

医管局在那些特殊情况下会退回预缴的款项?Under what circumstances will the payment be refunded?