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请代我向他请安问好。Please give my best regards to him.

男性先向女性请安。Gentlemen say hello first to ladies.

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请安娜给我们弄点茶来,好吗?。Have Anna bring us some tea, would you, please?

我将请安德斯介绍这一项目。I will be asking Anders to introduce this item.

早上要跟父母请安表示你的关心。Greet them in the morning to show them that you care.

请安排队下一班可订到舱位的轮船装运。Please arrange for shipment by nest available steamer.

请安装在出风口400mm内没有其他东西的位置。To ensure that no other things in the outlet around 400mm.

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孩子们,休息时间已过并请安静坐回原处。Children, recess is over, so simmer down and take your seats, please.

我的父亲,今天早晨忒阿杜勒要来向您请安。Father, Theodule is coming to present his respects to you this morning.

所以,不用戴着预防“非典”的面具,请安心地回到你的花园吧!So please, feel safegoing back to gardening without wearing a SARS mask.

包奕凡趁机请安迪吃饭,特别提到一并请她的邻居们。BaoYi whoever took Andy to have a meal, please noted please her neighbors.

你们要以圣吻彼此请安。基督的众教会都问候你们。Salute one another with an holy kiss. All the churches of Christ salute you.

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斯科特请安德鲁管理新电报机,还请他在自己的办公室作一名助理。Scottasked Andrew to operate the new telegraph and to be his assistant inthe office.

在7号的月蚀之后你可能会留恋和感伤,但是请安住于当下的转变。You may feel wistful or sentimental after the first eclipse, July 7, but stay tuned.

德意志银行现在准备请安联首席财务官保罗。阿赫莱特纳担任主席。Deutsche Bank now wants Paul Achleitner, Allianz's chief financial officer, as chairman.

早上要跟父母请安表示你的关心,晚上要让他们睡的安稳。Greet them in the morning to show them that you care. At night be sure that they rest well.

留存后的尸体有望于七月尾对民众展现,粉丝们可以前去参观请安。It is hoped the exhibit will be unveiled towards the end of July for fans to visit and pay respects.

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你们若单给你们的弟兄请安,比人有什么长处呢?就是外国人不也是这样行么?And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that?

过了一些时候,弟兄们打发他们带着请安的话,回到派他们的人那里。And after they had spent some time there, they were let go with peace by the brethren, unto them that had sent them.

第二天一大早,三夫人陪着方夫人来给太夫人请安。On the second day in early morning, three madams accompany square the madam come to give too madam to send greeting.