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这儿是迎宾彩池。Here is the Yingbin Pool.

犬羊迎宾,有意思!Guest-Greeting Dog and Sheep.

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这儿是迎宾彩池。Here is the ruin of Luohan Hall.

犬羊迎宾,有意思!Guest-Greeting Dog and Sheep, interesting!

你看,连迎宾池都在欢迎我们。Look, even these Yingbin Ponds welcome us.

峨眉山秀甲瀑布是迎宾广场的主体建筑之一。Yingbin Square is one of the main building.

在每家俱乐部的门口都有一名迎宾员。At every club one of the servants was a doorman . Mr.

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两用电子狗热卖中,可当迎宾器及防盗报警器使用!Electronic dog hot, as a welcome and a burglar alarm!

我们的每一位客人都只给一张迎宾饮料券。We have only one welcome drink coupon for each guest.

我们在迎宾中心逗留,喝免费的柳橙汁。We stopped at the Welcome Center for free orange juice.

两两合作,表演一段餐馆迎宾的英语对话。Work in pairs, perform a dialog about welcoming guests.

和迎宾员和单身男来宾一起跳舞。Dance with ushers and any single male guests who ask them.

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我是这个五星级酒店的迎宾员,毫无晋升的机会。I am a greeter at this five star hotel, it is a dead-end job.

这是我们的迎宾手册,里面介绍了酒店的各项设施。Here's our welcome brochure with all the information of our facilities.

北京奥运会有专门制造的14门迎宾礼炮。There are 14 saluting guns specially made for the Beijing Olympic Games.

小酒馆的迎宾吉姆•赖利,坐在前门的一张凳子上。Jim Reilly, the tavern’s greeter, sits on a stool outside the front door.

阿涛与阿翠在腾乐宾馆门口迎宾,这一天他们举行了婚礼。A and E Cui Tao Tang Yue hotel door in welcome, the day they held a wedding.

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以下报告是最近进行的迎宾员调查的结果。The following reports reflect the results of our recent People Greeter study.

在加利福尼亚州的雷丁,汤姆和莉娅的婚礼上,迎宾和敬茶仪式。Guest arrival and tea ceremony from Tom and Leah's Wedding in Redding, California.

其它几个小机器人也出现在婚礼现场,主要负责迎宾或表演节目。Small other robots were also at the ceremony to guide guests or give performances.