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也都是与金钱息息相关。And it's all about money.

他们是你的生活息息相关。They are a life-support system.

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尺和度是息息相关的。And the ruler is closely linked.

它与科技息息相关。Literacy is a neighboring technology.

迪尔农机的销售与农场的收入息息相关。Deere's sales closely track farm income.

现象与本质息息相关。Phenomenon is closely related to hypostasis.

我们居住的无线世界和电池息息相关。The wireless world we live in runs on batteries.

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你只知道这个故事与你息息相关。But what you do know is that the story is about you.

因为它与心理学息息相关。Because it has every relevance to psychology as well.

树与人类糊口幸褔息息相关。Trees are closely associated with a happy human life.

保护地球原始森林和动物,植物,这些都与人类生存息息相关。and the animals, plants and people that depend on them.

但我不贬低,这与生活息息相关的事实。But I don't demean the fact that this is relevant to life.

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山水与文化息息相关,紧密相连。Landscape and culture are closely related, closely linked.

而薪酬制度、薪酬体系的设计对完成上述任务息息相关。The design of salary system is interrelate with the tasks.

你的产品或服务与日常生活息息相关吗?Is your product or service relevant to their everyday life?

随着年龄而不断增加的健忘与这些受体息息相关。This has been linked to increasing forgetfulness as we age.

“总之,”诺兰德说道,“信息和市场是息息相关的。”"In short," Noland said, "information and markets are linked."

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大地,海洋与天空与我们每个国家的命运息息相关。The earth, the sea and the air are the concern of every nation.

水是生命之源,与人类的生存和发展息息相关。Water is the source of life and human survival and development.

它不仅与你有联系,它与你息息相关。Not only is it relevant to you,it has everything to do with you.