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我一直睡到半夜时醒了。I slept until midnight.

他看了看月亮,估计时间是半夜了。What do you make the time?

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他们在半夜回的家。They went home at midnight.

莪瞅电视总媞到半夜。I watched TV until midnight.

铃声在半夜刺耳地响了起来。The bell jangled at midnight.

我想半夜才收班。Till around midnight, I think.

他们可能会在半夜来。They could turn up at midnight.

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他在半夜还开着收音机。His radio stopped on at midnight.

匪贼常常在半夜破门而入。Robbers often break in at midnight.

事故是在半夜时分发生的。The accident happened near midnight.

我们抵达那里的时候大约是半夜。It was about midnight when we arrived.

到了半夜,壁炉已熄灭了。The fireplace snuffed out at midnight.

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他从半夜学书不停到四点。He teaches from midday to four o'clock.

她在半夜悄悄离开了家。She stole out of the house at midnight.

他们在外面喝了半夜的酒。They stopped out half the night to drink.

到半夜时他拉过毯子盖在身上。At midnight he pulled the blanket over him.

半夜前我们将穿过国境线。We will be across the frontier by midnight.

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有时候甚至要半夜十二点。sometimes even twelve o'clock at night, so.

快近半夜了,我们回家去吧。It's getting along for midnight,let's go home.

这个酒店半夜发生了一场大火。A fire broke out in the hotel in the mid-night.