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它们应该向东方看齐,寻求灵药。They should look east for a cure.

哪个是你确保消除心情不好的灵药呢?What one thing is your sure fire bad mood buster?

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九号爱情灵药也不会令我对她更加痴迷。No number nine love potion could make me love her more.

一些巫医说,他们已经将灵药给了南非国家队的球员。Some healers say they have given muti to Bafana players, and Mr.

对卡萨尔斯来讲,音乐就是他的不老灵药,让他能感受到生命绵延不决般的奇异。Music, for Casals, was an elixir that made life a never ending adventure.

该方法可靠、便捷,可以作为控制云威灵药材质量的方法。The method is reliable and rapid for quality control of Inula nervosa Wall.

但我必须说明一下,这些大热的单品不见得成为时尚灵药。But, I have to say, these chic items don’t necessarily promise good fashion.

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它是万众剧毒,却又是治愈我不能自己的灵药。它,就是我的爱。It is a highly toxic much, but I can not cure is the cure-all. It is my love.

“笑是补药,是缓解和终止痛苦的灵药。”—查理·卓别林。"Laughter is the tonic, the relief, the surcease for pain. " — Charlie Chaplin.

没有任何的灵药妙方、祷告或理论能立即修复经年累月所造成的损坏。There is no pill, prayer, or principle that will instantly undo the damage of many years.

我浅析,嫦娥定悔偷吃了灵药,才变成了一个苦守寂寞的人儿。Analysis, Chang will regret eating a panacea, it has become a lonely person Kushou children.

这个名字在Anistatia寻找用于传统灵药中的植物之前对我们来说没什么意义。The name meant little until Anistatia was researching botanicals used in traditional elixirs.

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“流动性”,这剂引发投机性泡沫的万应灵药,犹如喷泉之水,从各国的央行汩汩流出。“Liquidity, ” that bubbly speculative elixir, gurgled from the founts of the world’s central banks.

世上本无万能灵药,欲健康,请来本健美中心试一试。There is no nostrum in the world. To keep FIT, just come to this body-building centre and have a try.

这一根鹰爪,允许鹰之灵药被传送到所有触碰到她圣坛的人们身上。This piece allows the medicine of Eagle to be administered to all whom come into contact with her alter.

通过试验分析了二甲戊灵药害随时间的变化关系。The experiment analyzed the relations between the the chemical damage of pendimethalin and the time change.

我们每一个王国都拥有被北美土著称之为“灵药”的特别祝福和振动要来进行分享。Each of our kingdoms have special blessings and vibrations to share known as "medicine" by Native Americans.

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利用火焰原子吸收法测定5种英平诸痹灵药酒中铜、锰、镍、钴、锶、锂的含量。The contents of Cu, Mn, Ni, Co, Sr and Li in 5 kinds of Ying Ping Zhubiling medicinal liquor were determined by FAAS.

韩厥刺杀屠岸贾,屠岸贾重伤,赵武以死要挟程婴灵药治疗屠岸贾。One day, Tu was badly hurt because of Han Jue's assassinating. Zhao threatened Chen with death to treat Tu with panacea.

陈真落入绝境,寒病突发,得傲雪以灵药相救,二人结下生死之情。ChenZhen falls into despair, cold a disease, proud to have snow for drug, the two men have the feeling of life and death.