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我独自枯坐在家为你哭啊哭。I sit alone at home and cry over you.

她没有情愿甚么也没有干枯坐正在阂薛。She doesn't like to sit there doing nothing.

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当你面临选择,是枯坐无为还是翩翩起舞。And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.

我枯坐于此,凝视墙上的时钟。I've been sitting here staring at the clock on the wall.

但5年之后,拉希德仍旧在监牢中枯坐终年。So why is Rasheed still lingering in jail, five years later?

当你去参加会议时,不要仅仅枯坐在那里聆听。When you go to meetings, don’t just sit there listening, participate.

我常常在阶下枯坐很久,怎么也看不见它们有攀动的痕迹。I often sat on the stone stage for long, but never saw their growing up.

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可他必须走,如果枯坐屋檐下,他立刻会死掉。If he just seated under the eaves and did nothing, he would die at once.

或者换种问法,每天枯坐22.5个小时真的健康吗?Put another way, does being sedentary for 22.5 hours a day actually sound healthy?

而且,这总比你一个人枯坐整个下午或晚上有意思多了。It's also a much more entertaining way to pa the afternoon or evening than sitting alone by yourself.

而且,这总比你一个人枯坐整个下午或晚上有意思多了。Its also a much more entertaining way to pass the afternoon or evening than sitting alone by yourself.

一位患病的老妪枯坐在轮椅里,垂着头,背对着大多数的人.。There an elderly patient was sitting in her wheelchair alone , head bowed, her back to most of the others.

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塔尼克利夫首发出场,但第46分钟就被换下。队友斯科特。伍顿在厄普顿公园枯坐板凳。Tunnicliffe started the game but was replaced on 46 minutes, while team-mate Scott Wootton was an unused substitute at Upton Park.

住的地方就要拆了,不知何去何从的老人,枯坐门前,想著明天的落脚处。With his house soon to be torn down, an old man with nowhere else to go sits listlessly outside, wondering where he will lay his head tomorrow.

三天下来,一直枯坐静思的灵胎都大为不耐,胸中一阵烦躁随即苏醒过来。Three globes come, have been sitting idly silence think of work properly foetuses to entire greatly get up up for act not bear, a explosion of and fidgety in the breast quickly.

我曾一度用了整整一个月的时间去“思考”到底一份什么样的工作是我想要的,但结果不但一无所获,反而因为枯坐在家“思考”的时间太久而变得有些疯疯癫癫的。I once took a month to “think about” what kind of job I wanted, and ended the month with no new insights, just a little crazy from all that time I sat at home “thinking about it.”

由登月第一人带回地球的小瓶的月球尘埃在加州的一个实验室仓库内部的被忽略的储藏中枯坐超过40年之后被发现。Vials of moon dust brought back to Earth bythe first men on the moon have been found inside a lab warehouse in Californiaafter sitting in storage unnoticed for more than 40 years.