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班里的女孩们都喜欢和他打情骂俏。All the girls hit on him in class.

班上的女孩子们都喜欢和他打情骂俏。All the girls hit on him in the class.

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我故意跟众人打情骂俏。Do you remember the time I flirted with all

太子每日与张丽华打情骂俏,饮酒作乐。Prince daily and ZhangLiHua flirting, bender.

这在你和女孩打情骂俏的时候尤为重要。This is important when you flirt with a girl.

不要打情骂俏,因为这样做就是在告诉他人你是一个可供选择的对象。Don't flirt, because it tells others you are available.

你怎么可以跟我的男朋友打情骂俏?!e.g I can't believe you were flirting with my boyfriend!

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他看起来太炙手了,夏令营的女孩子都喜欢跟他打情骂俏。He looks so hot, all the girls hit on him at the summer camp.

昼夜上网,聊天泡妹,打情骂俏,胆大妄为。Day and night online, chat bubble sister, philandering, reckless.

他/她不停地试图跟你打情骂俏。你希望他们停止。He or she been flirting with you non-stop. And you'd like them to stop.

直到在工作中开始出错,西尔威斯特和莉娜才不打情骂俏了。Sylvester dallied about Lena until he began to make mistakes in his work.

有时候打情骂俏是我工作的一部分,尤其是接待一桌都是男生的时候。Flirting is part of my job, especially when I'm dealing with a table of guys.

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你为了钱把我出卖给杂志,然后整个周末和我打情骂俏。You sold me out to a magazine for payment and then flirted with me all weekend.

你有没有发现她在跟每个人打情骂俏?我从来没遇到过这么爱勾引人的人。e.g Have you noticed taht she hits n everyone? I've never met someone so flirtatious.

在这一阶段kino应该是有趣且打情骂俏的。Kino should be fun and flirty during this stage – anythingdominant and push-pull is great.

他们可以相互勾结,并且和别人的妻子或情妇打情骂俏They can conspire against each other, and they can hit on each other's wives and mistresses.

孙耀威与杨秀惠交换戒指打情骂俏,相当亲热。When Eric and Yeung Sau Wai exchanged their rings, they had a sweet and happy couple's fight.

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打情骂俏让湖人球星科比布莱恩特和高尔夫球星老虎伍兹在代言上丢失了数以万计的钱财。Philandering cost Lakers star Kobe Bryant and golfer Tiger Woods millions in lost endorsements.

与耳鬓厮磨和打情骂俏相比,你们应该至少花两倍的时间用在交流和互相学习上。You should spend at least twice as much time talking and learning about one another as you do necking or fooling around.

在此期间,他领导一个活动远远低于通常的名人恶习饮用水世俗的双重生活,下药或打情骂俏。During this time, he was leading a double life with activities far less mundane than the usual celebrity vices of drinking, drugging or philandering.