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我的手指尖是凉的。The tips of my fingers are cold.

黑黑的指尖摘着白白的棉花。White cotton when the bloom is thick.

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你会闻到纸张的味道,体会指尖的触感。You get the smell of paper, the touch.

方法对27指指尖离断进行再植。Methods 27 severed fingertips were replanted.

定时检查手指尖了解血液流通情况。Regularly check the thumbnail for circulation.

不要迟疑,用你的指尖捏死他。Don't hesitate in killing him with your finger.

她抬起身来,将她的指尖放在他的胸口上。She raises up, placing her fingertips to his chest

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然后闭目,用双手指尖按摩眼部及周围。Then close, use both hands around eye and massage.

而蜂鸟的大脑比指尖还要小。The hummingbird's brain is smaller than a fingertip.

用指尖轻敲、轻捋头皮。Gently tap and brush your scalp with your fingertips.

缐握过你的手,仿佛余温在指尖缠绕。Held your hand, as if threads on your fingers around.

从我的手掌心到我的左小指尖,先生。The palm of me hand to the tip of me left pinky, sir.

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指尖绕过的流年,沾染春温秋素的时光。Fingertip around the year, with warm spring Qiusu time.

而食指尖下就是列缺穴天津按摩。The food is listed under the fingertips missing points.

每天晚上清洁后取适量涂抹脸部,并以指尖轻轻按摩。After cleansing and toning , apply to face in the night.

他用指尖掐灭了烛焰。He quickly doused the candle's flame with his fingertips.

我偏爱早晨的寒凉环绕我的指尖。I prefer the morning chill winding around my finger tips.

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她们在仲春的指尖上轻轻地舞蹈。They danced on the point of the figure of the mid spring.

亚历山大用指尖轻拍那小小的婴儿。Alexander tipped the tiny baby with the tip of his finger.

她把手放在他的手上,往里更深地按他的指尖。She put her hand on his and pressed his fingertips deeper.