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擅长组稿和监控稿件。Second, the good at solicits contributions and monitors the manuscript.

传统的“等米下锅”被动组稿的方式已不能适应时代发展的要求。Traditional modes of treating contributions on equality basis fails to keep abreast of the times.

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分析了影响和制约学报质量的两个关键性环节是组稿和审稿。The two key links that affect and control the quality of the journal are soliciting contributions and examining contributions.

校对工作是学报出版过程中不可缺少的一环,它与组稿、编辑加工、印刷、发行等组成一个有机的整体。Linked with soliciting contributions, editing, printing, distributing and so on, proofreading is an important part of publication.

期刊组稿样式的多样性,导致期刊组稿策划的微观复杂性。The diversified approaches to contributions solicitation for periodicals result in the complication of contributions solicitation planning.

现在还不可仓促组稿——也就是打草稿!先写一个行之有效的论文框架吧。You're now ready to start your "sloppy copy, " otherwise known as your first draft! Begin by writing down an essay-looking model from which to work.

科技期刊选题和组稿的质量好坏会影响期刊的内在质量,进而影响读者对期刊学术水平的认同程度。Selecting topics and soliciting contributions not only represent the academic level of sci-tech periodicals but also determine the degree of satisfaction for reader.

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编辑方法是反映编辑工作全过程中核心内容的方法。包括选题方法、组稿方法、审稿方法、加工方法和校对方法。Editing methods reveals the whole editing process and contents, including methods of topic choosing, draft compiling, draft auditing, draft processing and draft collating.

学报编辑在组稿、审稿和编辑全过程中,必须坚持政治性,突出学术性,强化创新性,提高可读性。The college journal edits must insist political, outstand scholarship, increase readability and enhance the creative in the whole process of a draft, review draft and edit.

行业年鉴、系列丛书、名家名著和具有市场开发潜力的图书的选题调研、组稿编辑、策划出版等。Business or government yearly books, series of books, works of famous writers and the subject-researches, editing the materials , planning and publishing of books with potential market.

高校教材市场,从组稿、出版到渠道发行,从返折扣、免费培训到科研经费支持,各个环节都充满了不正当竞争。College textbook market, from solicit contribution, publishing to channel issuing, from discounting, free training to research funding support, all links are full of unfair competition.

基于稿件管理数据库,提出通过深入挖掘其使用功能,如预测全年投稿量、总收益,计算报道时差及指导组稿、刊稿工作等,从而为期刊发展提供决策信息。In this paper, by using beforehand analyzing method, we study whether we can improve the respected profit of business decision making through the use of the available decision information.

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第二部分对中美图书编辑活动主体的收入、数量比例、类型等整体状况进行了比较,然后着重对组稿编辑和编辑主任两类编辑活动主体进行了比较。The second part compares editors" salary, proportion and type between the two countries , and then sums up the differences between two countries" acquiring editors and editorial directors.