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警司故友的到来,打断了他们的对话。Then coming his old friend stopped their conversation.

它使他对他故友的思想有了一些了解。He has many years' experience of the criminal mentality.

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只是不知道航院和西科大的故友现在怎么样了。I wonder how the friends in my and my wife's college are going now.

别忘了远方的故友,你想不出他有多么想你。Do not forget an old friend in a distant land who misses you more than you know.

根据这位故友称,最小的小阿桑格只有六个月大。The youngest little Assange is a mere six months old, according to the former friend.

即便是那些自以为可以同上帝亲如故友散步交谈的白人也无法摆脱这样共同的命运。Even the White man, whose God walks and talks with him as friend to friend, cannot be exempt from the common destiny.

无论如何也想不到,就在重聚后的一个星期,一位二十年后终于取得联系的故友却忽然永远的离开我们了。I was so shocked to know that a week after the reunion, one of our friends who finally got back in touched with us left us forever.

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回到这个熟悉而又陌生的角落,重拾那些曾经的回忆,以及与新朋故友继续分享即将开始的新生活。Now I'm firmly back to this corner, back to the shared and unshared memories of the past, and ready to present my life from a new start.

房间里人来人往,她闲聊着,计划着午餐,简短地谈了下自己的一位故友,一名坚强,自信的女性。She chatted as people came in and out of the room, made plans for lunch, and spoke briefly of one old friend, a strong, confident woman she once knew.

可我不打算告诉他,相对故友重逢的喜悦,我更愿意选择让这份未曾谋面的友情保持那么一点点距离。But I do not intend to tell him that the relatively old friends the joy of reunion, I prefer to let the have not met their friendship to keep it a little distance.

查理斯·科赫的故友格斯·diZerega回忆说,“随着苏联军事力量的不断膨胀,弗雷德对自己曾帮助其建设精炼厂深感自责。Gus diZerega, a former friend of Charles Koch, recalled, “As the Soviets became a stronger military power, Fred felt a certain amount of guilt at having helped build them up.

因雪想高士,因花想美人,因酒想侠客,因月想故友,因山水相得益诗文。Think high person because of snow, because flower think beauty, because wine think chivalrous person, because moon think departed friend, because mountains and rivers benefit poetic prose.

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紫嫣正垂首说着,那般恬淡自然的神情,就像是跟素来熟稔极了的故友在叙旧一样。The purple Yan is hanging a head to say, the facial statement of that arrange indifferent nature, be like follow vegetable well-experienced in pole of quondam friend at go over the antique days alike.